IMDC EFR-02-21

Mobile HQ – Joe Louis Wildman DRAFT 1  02/05/21 Proposed resolution and agreement to use Joe Louis Wildman’s Sprinter 2500 (hereafter BAV) as a year-round mobile headquarters for the Democratic Party of Mendocino County (hereafter MCDCC). Joe Louis Wildman (hereafter JLW) will continue to operate the BAV as a mobile HQ, making stops around the […]

IMDC Edu-02-21

Education -Helen Sizemore <> I was inspired after listening to a podcast titled SCENE ON RADIO. Please listen if you can— Season 4, episode 10, May 13, 2020 —SCHOOLED FOR DEMOCRACY. I shared this link with Michelle Hutchins, Superintendent of Schools and she was enthusiastic. She is currently swamped with details for opening school sites. […]

IMDC Elec-02-21

Leadership Development – Judy Popowski <> MCDCC – Mendocino County Democratic Central Committee The CC has several vacancies: 1st 3 vacancies 3rd 3 vacancies Finding potential members, taking them to CC meetings, talking with them, finding out what their interests are, etc. and then convincing them that they can make a difference if they join […]

IMDC About

The Inland Mendocino Democratic Club, focusing on local, regional and national issues as they relate to the inland Mendocino County, serves the inland region of Mendocino Centered in and around Ukiah, north past Willits to Legget & Spyrock , south past Hopland, and almost to Cloverdale. If you live inland, come to our monthly meetings […]


Due to the Corona Virus the IMDC will not host a permanent office between now and the election. However, with a stunning suggestion from Monica and a brilliant plan from Joe The BA Van Story was born. Joe will drive his van around Mendocino County to promote Democratic candidates and issues from Labor Day (September […]


At a recent Executive Committee meeting of the IMDC Monica suggested that we use a mobile vehicle to provide IMDC outreach.  Joe responded immediately with a proposal to use his van and labor as suggested.  After discussion, the executive committee agreed in principle to the idea pending analysis of technical details such as insurance and […]


I propose that the IMDC consider supporting several people of color to work to register voters and otherwise support election efforts in an area where Democrats have a chance to swing a Representative or Senate seat.  For example Native Americans from our county could help in Arizona or Utah where Native Americans are under represented […]


IMDC ExecMin 06-20 IMDC ExecMin Special 06-20-20 IMDC ExecMin Special 06-25-20 IMDC mins-06-20 Monica suggested we obtain a vehicle and outfit as a mobile headquarters and set up at various sites throughout the inland area during the campaign from Labor Day until Election Day. The Executive committee met twice during June in addition to the […]