
I propose that the IMDC consider supporting several people of color to work to register voters and otherwise support election efforts in an area where Democrats have a chance to swing a Representative or Senate seat.  For example Native Americans from our county could help in Arizona or Utah where Native Americans are under represented at the polls but where there is substantial organization in place that could use help.  We have something around $9,500 that could pay expenses for one or two people for several months to fill this role.  If that amount of money is not sufficient it would be a target for a very worthwhile fund raiser.

If approved by us I will contact Northern Circle (represents a handful of nearby tribes) to see if this would work with their support to identify candidates.  I will work with other volunteers from IMDC to make this happen.  Tasks may include:

  • Firm up details per feedback from IMDC
  • Work with the Central Committee, State and/or Federal Democrats to identify a target campaign.
  • Work with selected ethnic groups from our area to fill out details
  • Create a budget
  • Fundraiser?
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