IMDC By-Laws



The name of this organization shall be the Inland Mendocino Democratic Club, hereinafter referred to as IMDC. The principle location of IMDC is the inland area of Mendocino County, California.

These By Laws shall govern the organization, operation, and functions of the IMDC.


The purpose of the IMDC is:

  • Empower the people of Mendocino County to improve the quality of their lives by participation in political decisions at the local, state, and national levels

  • Foster Democratic ideals by stimulating active interest in the Democratic Party

  • Support the party platform

  • Contribute to party leadership and responsibility

  • Provide a constructive role for the volunteer in Democratic politics

  • Promote an activist base

  • Elect Democrats


Section 1. Eligibility

Anyone registered as a Democrat, or is ineligible to vote (due to age, non- residency or other legal impediment) but pledges to register as a Democrat when eligible (Pledged), and supports the purpose of the Club as stated in Article II, above shall be eligible for membership in this club.

  1. Note: Membership application process, form and acceptance criteria for membership are defined in the IMDC Membership Policy (Appendix A)

Section 2. Good Standing

  1. Democrats and pledged Democrats, whose annual dues are currently paid, or have been waived, shall be considered a Member in Good Standing.

  2. Any member whose actions are judged to be prejudicial or detrimental to the club by the Executive Committee may be expelled from membership by a two thirds vote of the members in good standing in attendance at any general meeting, at which a quorum exists.

Section 3. Membership Term

  1. Membership Year as defined in the IMDC Membership Policy and set by the Executive Committee.

  2. Members shall be notified of changes to the Membership Year at least one month prior to the end of current Membership Year.

Section 4. Membership Dues

  1. Dues are due and payable upon joining the club, and annually at the beginning of every Membership Year thereafter.

  2. Amount of membership dues shall be reviewed at least one month prior to the end of the current Membership Year and recommended by the Executive Committee, for approval by the membership, to go into effect for the next Membership Year. (Note: Policy specifies amounts of individual, family, etc.)

Section 5. Voting

  1. A quorum shall be present prior to any vote by the membership

  2. Voting on all issues may be taken by, roll call, voice or show of hands

  3. Voting shall be monitored so that only members in good standing are voting

Section 6: Club representation at pre-endorsement conference

  1. The club will elect representatives at the meeting prior to the deadline for submitting representatives to the regional director

  2. Any member in good standing can stand for election to the pre-endorsement conference.

  3. The number of representatives to be elected is based on rules of the state party.


Section 1. Elected Officers

  1. Elected Officers of this club shall be:

President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer

  1. All officers must be registered Democrats.

  2. All officers shall be members of the club in good standing.

  3. An elected officer may be removed from office by resolution of a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing in attendance at a General Meeting for such causes as missing three unexcused consecutive meetings or non-performance of duties, providing the membership and the officer have been notified ten days prior to the meeting of the proposed action against the officer.

  4. In addition to these four officers, three Members at Large shall be elected to the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Description of Duties

  1. The President shall:

    1. have the general powers and duties of management usually vested in the office of President of an organization.

    2. direct and execute the policies of the Executive Committee.

    3. preside over all meetings of the club and the Executive Committee

    4. make appointments to other positions as required in consultation with the Executive Committee

    5. act as official spokesperson of the club.

  2. Vice president shall:

    1. assist the President in the performance of that office.

    2. In the event of the absence of the President or a vacancy in the office, the Vice-President shall assume all the duties and powers of the President, until the vacancy is filled.

  3. Secretary shall:

    1. take minutes, maintain an accurate record of the proceedings of the membership and Executive Committee meetings and be responsible for all official correspondence.

    2. maintain a book containing minutes of all meetings.

    3. be the chair of the Membership Committee

    4. maintain a membership roster including all members past and present which data is defined as the content of the membership application specified in the Membership Policy

  4. Treasurer shall:

    1. present a financial report to regularly scheduled Executive Committee meetings and to regularly scheduled membership meetings

    2. make the books of the club available for inspection by any member in good standing upon written request.

    3. record and deposit all receivables

    4. upon approval of the Executive Committee make all disbursements.

    5. keep a current list of all members in good standing showing dues paid

    6. be the chair of the Finance/Audit Committee

  5. Member at large

    1. Members at large attend all Executive Committee meetings

    2. Each member at large has one vote on all decisions of the Executive Committee.

  6. If the President and the Vice-President are absent from a regularly scheduled meeting, first the Secretary and then the Treasurer shall preside over said meeting.

Section 3. Term of Office

  1. Officers term of office is 2 years.

  2. Officers may be re-elected for a maximum of 4 consecutive terms.

  3. Members at large of the Executive Committee shall serve for one year

  4. Members at large shall be elected at the general meeting in February

  5. President and Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years

  6. Vice-President and Treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years.

Section 4. Election of Officers and Executive Committee Members at Large

  1. The officers and members at large of the Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of the members in good standing in attendance at the February meeting of the members and shall take office immediately following the election.

  2. The officers and members at large so elected shall hold office at the pleasure of the membership.

Section 5. Nominations.

  1. Nominations shall be conducted at the January meeting of the members.

  2. The Executive Committee shall nominate a slate of all expiring officers’ positions and the three member at large positions.

  3. Any member may run for office or member at large by submitting their name in writing to the Executive Committee at least thirty (30) days prior to the January membership meeting.

  4. All candidates shall be members in good standing at the nomination meeting.

  5. The Executive Committee's slate of candidates and a list of all other candidates shall be distributed to the membership using any electronic or physical means as appropriate at least fifteen (15) days prior to the election date.

Section 6. Vacancies

  1. Vacancy of any current officer or member at large position may be filled either by a Special Meeting of the members, or at a regularly scheduled meeting of the members, or by appointment as determined by the Executive Committee.


Section 1. Regular meetings of the members will be held at a frequency, time and place to be determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 2.

  1. At all meetings of the members, a quorum shall be:

    1. Ten (10) other members in good standing and

    2. Including four (4) members of the Executive Committee

  2. Once a quorum is met, departure of one or more members shall not remove the quorum.

Section 3. Agenda

  1. The President shall be responsible for the agenda.

  2. Notice of meetings and the agenda must be sent to all members in good standing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting date using any electronic or physical means as appropriate.

  3. Items added to the agenda after notification shall be added as New Business

Section 4. Special Meetings

  1. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the Executive Committee.

  2. Special meetings may be called by at least 10 members by a written request to the Executive Committee.

  3. The agenda for a special meeting shall be set at the time a special meeting is called.

  4. The request for the special meeting shall state the issues for the agenda for the special meeting.

  5. Only the issues stated in the agenda shall be considered by a special meeting.

  6. Notice including the agenda shall be sent to all members at least fifteen (15) days prior to the special meeting date using any electronic or physical means as appropriate.


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of all elected officers and three elected members at large. Each member of the Committee shall be eligible to vote on Executive Committee decisions.

Section 2. Unless otherwise noted in these by laws, all organizational powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of, and the business and affairs of this organization shall be controlled by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least once each quarter..

  1. The Committee shall identify the location and regular date and time for such meetings

  2. Executive members notified at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting

Section 5. Quorum

  1. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be the presence at a meeting of a majority of its members.

  2. Once a quorum is met, departure of one or more members shall not remove the quorum.

Section 6. Agenda

  1. Fifteen (15) days prior to all meetings, each Executive Committee member shall be sent an agenda using any electronic or physical means as appropriate.

  2. The President shall be responsible for the agenda.

  3. New items added to the agenda after notification will be added as new business.

Section 7. Special Meetings

  1. Special meetings may be called by the President or a majority of the Executive Committee, provided notice is given to all members of the Executive Committee at least fifteen (15) days prior to the special meeting using any electronic or physical means as appropriate.

  2. Notice shall include the agenda for the special meeting

  3. Only those items on the agenda shall be considered at the special meeting.


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall establish committees it deems necessary to achieve organizational objectives.

  1. Ad hoc committees shall be appointed as needed for a specific purpose and shall cease upon completion of the appointed purpose.

  2. Standing Committee terms shall be one year and may be renewed each year on their anniversary.

  3. Standing Committee chairs shall report on the committee's activity at each membership meeting.

Section 2. The Chairpersons of committees may appoint committee members, set committee goals in coordination with the Executive Committee members, and shall direct the activities of the committee to achieve such goals.


Section 1. The membership and Executive Committee meetings shall be governed by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.


Section 1. These by laws may be amended by a sixty (60%) percent vote of those members in good standing present and voting at a regular meeting of the members at which a quorum is present.

Section 2, Notice of proposed changes to the by laws shall be sent to all members in good standing using any electronic or physical means as appropriate at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting of the members at which the voting will occur.

Section 3. By laws or any amendments thereto shall go into effect immediately upon their adoption.

Appendix A

Membership Policy of the Inland Mendocino Democratic Club


  1. Eligibility and Good Standing for membership are defined in IMDC by laws

Membership Application

  1. A completed, or updated for renewal, membership application must be submitted to the Treasurer or Secretary with payment of dues for both initial membership and renewal.

  2. The application form will be prepared and updated by the Treasurer and Secretary subject to approval by the Executive Committee.

  3. The application form shall collect information necessary to facilitate proper notification from the club and for FPPC reporting purposes.

  4. New Membership applications with payment shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for acceptance.

  5. Until New membership is accepted by the Executive Committee, an applicant is not a member in good standing.

  6. If for any reason an applicant was not accepted as a member in good standing, the Executive Committee shall:

    1. Notify the applicant of the reasons for rejecting the application

    2. Add to the agenda of the next regular meeting of the members, a properly made motion under New Business to accept such member(s), including the reasons for non-acceptance

Membership Dues

  1. Individual Membership is $30 for one Membership Year

  2. Family Membership is $45 for one Membership Year

  3. Lifetime Membership for an individual is $600.00

  4. Payment of dues shall not be obligatory to anyone for whom it constitutes an economic hardship after due consideration and approval by the Executive Committee

  5. Dues shall be set by the Executive Committee at least one month prior to the last month of the current Membership Year

Membership Term

  1. Membership Year runs from September 1 through August 31, until otherwise set by the Executive Committee.

  2. Membership is considered new for someone who has never been a member, has held family membership and is applying for individual membership, or whose membership has lapsed for more than a full Membership Year.

  3. All memberships expire at the end of the last month of the Membership Year.

  4. New memberships taken one month or less prior to the end of the Membership Year will be valid for the following year.

Appendix B

Suggested Ground Rules for Effective Meetings

While the President of the club is responsible for conducting orderly meetings and the

Executive Board is responsible for removing any member who causes harm to the reputation

and/or finances of the club in order to maintain their charter, it is important for all members to

agree to help the club succeed by observing the following ground rules.

  1. Only one person speaks at a time, no one will interrupt while someone is speaking.

  2. Each person expresses his or her own views, rather than speaking for others or attributing motives to them.

  3. Respect the group's time and keep comments brief and to the point.

  4. No personal attacks. Challenge ideas, not people.

  5. Everyone agrees to make a strong effort to stay on track with the agenda and to move the deliberations forward.

  6. Everyone will seek to focus on the merits of what is being said, making a good faith effort to understand the concerns of others. Questions of clarification are encouraged.

  7. Disparaging comments are discouraged.

  8. Everyone will follow the “no surprises” rule. Concerns should be voiced when they arise,not later in the deliberations when a “surprise” objection is raised.

  9. Each person will seek to identify options or proposals that represent shared interests, without minimizing legitimate disagreements. Each person agrees to do their best to take

Into account the interests of the group as a whole.

  1. Each person reserves the right to disagree with any proposal and accepts responsibility

for offering alternatives that accommodate their interests and the interests of others.

The club President may find it helpful to read Robert’s New Rules of Order or one of the many quick reference books for running meetings.

Appendix C

Candidate Endorsement Standing Rule of the IMDC