
At a recent Executive Committee meeting of the IMDC Monica suggested that we use a mobile vehicle to provide IMDC outreach.  Joe responded immediately with a proposal to use his van and labor as suggested.  After discussion, the executive committee agreed in principle to the idea pending analysis of technical details such as insurance and […]


I propose that the IMDC consider supporting several people of color to work to register voters and otherwise support election efforts in an area where Democrats have a chance to swing a Representative or Senate seat.  For example Native Americans from our county could help in Arizona or Utah where Native Americans are under represented […]


Endorsement Standing Rule of the IMDC (DRAFT) IMDC will support (or endorse?) every registered Democrat candidate for local office in the inland area as long as they: Respond to an invitation questionaire and request our support Agree with and support the CADEM and National Democratic platforms Agree to adhere to the CADEM Code of Conduct […]


If Trump is re-elected and the Grand Oligarchy Party retains control of the Senate, our Democracy is lost. Four more years of the Grand Oligarchy Party in power will ensure that all power will be consolidated in the office of the President and the voting rigged to ensure continuing GOP power. The 2020 Election has […]


IMDC ExecMin 06-20 IMDC ExecMin Special 06-20-20 IMDC ExecMin Special 06-25-20 IMDC mins-06-20 Monica suggested we obtain a vehicle and outfit as a mobile headquarters and set up at various sites throughout the inland area during the campaign from Labor Day until Election Day. The Executive committee met twice during June in addition to the […]

Mobile HQ Proposal 2020

Proposal for an Inland Mendocino County Mobile 2020 Democratic Campaign Headquarters Joe Louis Wildman 6-22-2020 Term of Service From Labor Day, 2020 through Election Day in November 2020 Joe Louis Wildman (JLW) will donate his labor, and use of the Bigassvan (BAV) from Labor Day, 2020 through Election Day in November 2020. The donation has […]