Lead: Helen Sizemore The IMDC Community Forum Ad Hoc Committee ‘s goals are: Develop the monthly Community Forum program for whole year Critical issues, knowledgeable speakers, informative data Local electeds – multiple panelists (e.g., Ukiah City Council, BoS Dist 1, 2, 4, & 5) State reps – McGuire & Woods (together? zoom? F2F?) US Rep […]
Document Categories: Planning
Planning documents, forms, and instructional material
IMDC 2024 Campaign Report 01-23
Lead: Fred Mervine The IMDC Campaign 2024 Ad Hoc Committee ‘s goals are: Expand IMDC Membership – use MOE and Mobilize Facilitate Labor Day Picnics Update and Field MHQ Train members to use Mobilize for local and State-wide campaigns participation Identify organizations that enable nationwide campaign support Develop a program to assist members in accessing […]
IMDC Civic Visibility Report 01-23
Lead: Tekla Broz The IMDC Civic Visibility Ad Hoc committee’s goals are: Make IMDC a viable, visible entity in the Inland Mendocino using available media Newsletter Regular and consistent PSAs Facebook and other social media MailChimp Advertise Club Meeting program much more! Expand IMDC participation in Civic and Community Events Labor Day Picnic County Fairs […]
IMDC Club Meetings Report 01-23
Lead: Robin Sunbeam The Club Meetings Ad Hoc committee’s goals are: to establish a meeting place for face to face club meetings to determine and, if necessary, acquire any necessary equipment to enable F2F and Zoom hybrid meetings. Minimize fee Ideally, Availability of food/drink
Chair Report 04-22
The Club What do we want the club to be? Discussion/redefine Networking – Be proactive. Establish personal contacts with people in: Civic groups SEIU & Labor Unions Political action groups Social groups Find out how to work with them to strengthen cooperation Elected Officials Invite them specifically to all events/forums They often have political groupies […]
Click here to view Mobile HQ Project Model
IMDCPlan Plan-03-20
Shortcodes UltimateIMDC Strategic Planning ProjectIMDC GoalsAll of our projects must be focused in attaining these goalsIssue: IMDC has had only a vague focus on its vision and mission resulting in poor membership participation and little credibility in the county.Goal: develop a comprehensive planning process, structure, and plans and leaders to execute the plans for identified […]
Website Requirements
Introduction Vision We are simply a small group of people with some shared ideals and beliefs in the context of Mendocino as a community, specifically concerning how this community can govern itself to the greatest benefit to the individual members of that community, and hence to the whole. Mission As a political party we seek […]
Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Strategic Planning Initiative Introduction Our club is uniquely positioned to rewrite narratives about major party politics and establish the Democratic presence in our community as capable and responsive. Strategic planning is the process whereby we determine who, what, when, where, why and how we bring the club to life. We also […]
Two-Year Strategic Plan Template Table of Contents Organizational Context 2 Our Values 2 Our Vision 2 Our Mission 2 S.W.O.T. Analysis 3 Local Context 4 Elected and Appointed Officials 4 Key Partnerships 4 Population Demographics 4 Voter Registration Analysis 4 Key Issues 4 Strategy & Tactics 5 Strategic Priorities – Goals 5 Tactics & Ownership […]