IMDC Treas 01-23

Treasurer’s Report for January 2023

Treas Rpt 01-23

Treasurer’s Report for January 2023 IMDC Meeting

(for the period  12/31/22 to 12/01/22)


Checking balance:  $  5078.65

Savings balance:     +$5077.07

Total balance:   $11,155.72

Cash from February meeting: $ 27.60

Receivables:             $50 in ActBlue



Payables:      $ 0


Fund Balance                      $11,155.72


Income and Expense (since last report)

Donations and memberships:                $125.62

Dividends earned                                       $0.52



Net income over Expense since last Report  $69.68 at Slam Dunk Pizza


In-kind Income-Expense  $0

Membership Report:        81 Members in good standing

73 Lapsed (of those 16 Expired just this year)


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