IMDC Minutes July 2020
DATE: July 9, 2020
TIME: 5:30pm
Online meeting CLICK HERE
Or for audio only call in - Dial-in number: (515) 604-9300 Use Access code: 190753#
Members Present: Dave Nelson, Leo Buc, Jeff Tyrrell, Steve Scalmanini, Mo Mulheren, Kayla Meadows, Jackie Orozco, Jim Mastin, Lilian Cohn
Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Phyllis Mervine, Helen Sizemore, Judy Popawski, Joe Wildman, Mike Pallesen
Guests: George DeCecco, Ted Williams
- Call to order / Welcome
- Revision and approval of agenda
2025122 Motion to Approve Agenda as amended : duly seconded and passed by a majority. - Public Comment and Announcements
Mo announced a Zoom meeting at 11am Sunday with the Sheriff - Minutes
Consider June Minutes
2025122 Motion to Approve Minutes: duly seconded and passed by a majority
- Chair’s Report
Fred described the issues around the Club having an endorsement policy and talked about our plan for a Mobile HQ.
- Treasurer’s Report
Joe reported we have a balance of $9,000. and owe nothing.
2025122 Motion to Approve treasurer's report: duly seconded and passed by a majority. - Old Business
- Endorsement Standing Rule
We discussed this but reached no conclusions. - Alternate Endorsement Standing Rule
See above. No decision. - Headquarters Campaign 2020 - Mobile Headquarters (Mike)
- Mobile HQ Plan Mike
Mike presented the plan. Joe will drive the van to different locations. We need member volunteers for each location. Mike will coordinate. Volunteers should email Mike at Judy reported on funding for mobile HQ.
- Labor Day Picnic - From the Mobile Headquarters
We are not having a picnic. We're going to launch the Mobile HQ from the Park.
- Mobile HQ Plan Mike
- Distribute T-shirts
2025122 Motion for IMDC to offer T-shirts to peiople who renew membership and give to BOS candidates.: duly seconded and passed by a majority
- New Business
- Mike's Proposal:
2025122 Motion to direct Mike to investigate supporting one or more people of color to work to register voters and support election efforts working with the Central Committee.: duly seconded and passed by a majority
NOTE: IMDC can't participate in any federal race.
- Judy's Proposal:
2025122 Motion for IMDC to donate $2,800.00 to Central Committee's State account for purpose of acquiring materials for the Mobile HQ.: duly seconded and passed by a majority
We talked about Blue Notes 2020 and other home projects people can do to get out the vote. Click on Columbia or Uncle Sam on our IMDC website, for more info.
- Main Event
5th District Supervisor Ted Williams talked about the new mask regulations, citizens' oversight for Law enforcement, Broadband, Covid-19 testing, Schools, cannabis, fires, DFW and sensitive species review, PG&E power shutoffs, and more. - Good of the Order
Fred encouraged people to campaign from home. There is information about various programs like sending cards and making calls at the website. Click on Uncle Sam or Columbia. - Motion to Adjourn
- Next meeting:
August 13, 5:30pm
Online meeting CLICK HERE
Or call in - Dial-in number (US): (515) 604-9300 Use Access code: 190753#