IMDC EXEC Mins 12-22

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Minutes 12-22

DATE: December 13, 2022
TIME: 4:06 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present: 5

Quorum: Yes

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    2025222 Motion to Approve Agenda as published: Yes
  3. Consider November 22 Executive Committee Minutes
    2025222 Motion to Approve Minutes as published: Yes

  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. 2025222 Motion to Approve treasurer's report as published: Yes
    2. Approve new Members in Good Standing:
      1. Norman Thurston, Nancy Luis, Nancy Garvin, Lucille Bayer, Carol Park, Barbara Blake.
      2. We first must confirm their membership in the Democratic Party.
      3. **Scott will ask Judy, and we can vote on it at the next meeting.
      4. **2025222 Motion to Accept these 6 new members contingent on confirmation of their membership in the Democratic Party: Unanimous
  5. Chair’s Report
    Propose using our funds to purchase a large flat screen TV/monitor to use for hybrid present/Zoom meeting, and also to invite luminaries to our meetings without them having to drive all the way here.Fred sent an email to Jeff Tyrell asking for a list of every registered Democrat in eastern Mendocino County.  He wants to contact every one of them from the IMDC with a "sales pitch."  Locals can host meetings with refreshments to do IMDC sales pitch and answer questions.  Then recruit volunteers.  All in view of increasing membership for 2024.
  6. Business
    1. Report on regular civic events that IMDC should engage - Steve - TABLED
    1. Executive Committee Elections - By Laws
      1. President and Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years.
      2. The Executive Committee shall nominate a slate of all expiring officers’ positions and the three member at large positions.
      3. Members may run for office or member at large by submitting their name.
    2. Nominations for President and Secretary - Helen
      1. Candidate for President: Fred Mervine.
      2. Candidate for Secretary: Michelle Hutchins.
      3. MAL candidates: Kayla, Steve, Tekla.
      4. Scott will resign as Treasurer and Robin will be appointed to Treasurer.
      5. Judy Popowski will be the next liaison with the Central Committee.
    1. WHO ARE WE? Where do go from here? 2024 is on the way!
      Continue this discussion from the last monthly meeting.

      1. Consider Club meetings
      2. Continue Zooming?  YES!  Plan to consider buying a large screen TV.
      3. In person meetings - Pay for venue?  Need something available with food and alcohol.  **Robin will search for a back room with WiFi for meetings.**  Goal to hold our elections in February face-to-face.  Pay a college intern to network us into social media online.  Hattie Sher?  Fred feels we are premature to do this.  The bank account must be connected to social media in order to advertise on social media.
      4. Program - continue forum style with guest speakers?  YES!
        1. Idea to give a presentation on student loan relief.
        2. Idea to invite our local elected representatives.  **Helen will investigate which boards will have elections and invite a board member to tell us what that board does.** 
        3. Idea to invite Katrina Batolomie about the voting process and how we can be more supportive.
        4. **Helen and Fred will make an annual plan for meeting presentations.** 
        5. Publish our schedules quarterly.  Advertise our topics of interest as "appetizers."
    2. Gather, return MHQ Kits. Let's do a photo shoot to record one - who, when, where??? - TABLED
  1. Good of the Order
  2. Next meeting:
    DATE: January 17, 2023
    TIME: 4:00 PM
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
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