Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Minutes July 23
DATE July 18, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751 Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Judy Popowski, Kayla Meadows, Stephen Scalmanini, Tekla Broz, Helen Sizemore, Robin Sunbeam, and Michelle Hutchins
Quorum[7 members in attendance/atten]
- Call to order / Welcome. 4:15 pm
- Revision and approval of agenda
2025115 : Approved
Motion to Approve Agenda as published[Unanimous/action] - Consider June 2023 Executive Committee Minutes
2025115 : Approved
Motion to Approve Minutes as published[Unanimous/action]
- Treasurer’s Report
2025115 : Approved
Motion to Approve treasurer's report as published[Unanimous/action] Income for this month was in the positive of $96.60. Net worth is currently $10,828, Members in Good Standing: 150.- Approve new Members in Good Standing:
- Sharon Marshall
- **2025115 : Approved
Motion to Accept this one new member contingent on confirmation of their membership in the Democratic Party[Unanimous/action]
- Membership renewal drive letters - Robyn will send letters and we will divide up the membership as a telephone tree for each of us to share contacting members for the fair and renewal. Membership year is September 1- August 31.
- and Labor Day Picnic
- Approve new Members in Good Standing:
- Chair’s Report
- Old Business
- Robin will amend the Financial Policy to include the minimum required amount to avoid the monthly fee. Complete
- TO DO for ALL MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE for the upcoming workshop: Bring an idea for an "Activity" for the Election Cycle of 2024 to the planning meeting using the template Fred reviewed. Complete
- Kayla will contact Mendocino College to see if there might be a student intern to use as a VC. Completed - Michelle Hutchins will function as volunteer coordinator
- Tekla will email the link to the Google Doc with the current events to the Exec Committee. Completed
- Judy will investigate the two refrigerators. Completed- cannot find them
- Redwood Empire Fair staffing booth Complete- Sign Up Sheet on website, members will be divided up for us to call to fill in the remaining slots.
- Business
- Labor Day Picnic MCDP Events Committee report - Sally is in charge from Central Committee. Tony Melville might have sound system and Fred will contact him.
- Activity Plan Reports
- Helen - Meeting topics & speakers- Pumpkin Fest- Lynn and Sally as Central Committee members, Judy will be sure Pumpkin Fest in on the Central Committee meeting agenda for Central Committee to help us at Pumpkin Fest.
- Michelle and Kayla will host a calling party to help us get us volunteers at August Fair.
- Tekla - Community Events
- Robin
- Good of the Order
- Fred will contact Tony Melville about sound and games for Labor Day Picnic
- Robyn will send membership letters
- All Exec members will divide up the membership as a telephone tree for each of us to share contacting members for the fair and renewal.
- Judy will be sure Pumpkin Fest in on the meeting agenda for Central Committee to help us at Pumpkin Fest
- Michelle and Kayla will host a calling party to help us get us volunteers at August Fair
- Michelle will gain access to the volunteer spreadsheet and work with Fred on divide up the membership as a telephone tree for executive members to call and make a personal connection
- Meeting Adjourned at 5:15 pm.
- Next meeting:
DATE: August 15, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751 Passcode 518110