Chair’s Report 07-23


Tekla emailed me some questions regarding events and volunteers:

On 7/11/23 18:01, Tekla Broz wrote: (Highlights)
  • I would like to see the volunteer schedule for the Redwood fair so we can make sure its filled up in a timely manner.
  • I am still confused about what you want from me. Without actual volunteers other than the exec committee, how can we proceed?
    • Before we can ask volunteers to volunteer, we need to be able to tell then what we want them to volunteer for.
      The activity plans are meant to identify all we need to know to participate in an event, how much it will cost, dates and times, external references and documentation, required material, what tasks volunteers will do, what skills are needed to accomplish the tasks in order to successfully participate.
      Having that information, we can give it to our volunteer coordinator (Michelle) so that she can recruit volunteers.
      The template I provided is meant to be a guide for the exec committee members to obtain and archive that information so that it is available for the next time that event occurs.
  • We need to put the plea for volunteers and the schedule before the Inland Club and make it available to the other Clubs as well.
    • Redwood Empire Fair sign-up volunteer plea has been in the last two emails to our mailing list, and I explicitly sent it to Lynne and Susan.
    • Link to the sign-up sheet is on the web site Home Page
  • The idea of a paid volunteer coordinator is excellent, but not in existence yet and these events are bearing down on us. 
    • Even better a volunteer volunteer coordinator. Michelle has volunteered to fill that role, so as soon as we can get her the activity plans she can get volunteers.
      I will create signup sheets for each activity plan and provide Michelle with the roster.

WRT Redwood Empire Fair. I am in the process of dividing up our membership roster so each of you have about 10 members to call and recruit for the Fair.

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