Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Minutes May 23
DATE May 16, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751 Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present[Chair Fred Mervine, Helen Sizemore, Judy Popowski, Kayla Meadows, Robin Sunbeam, Steve Scalmanini, Tekla, and Michelle Hutchins ]
: Yes
Quorum: 8
- Call to order / Welcome 4:06
- Revision and approval of agenda
2025311 : Unanimous
Motion to Approve Agenda as published[Approved] - Consider April 2023 Executive Committee Minutes
2025311 : Unanimous
Motion to Approve Minutes as published[Approved]
- Treasurer’s Report
2025311 : Unanimous
Motion to Approve treasurer's report as published[Approved]- Approve new Members in Good Standing:
- Katrina Bartolomie
- **2025311 : unanimous
Motion to Accept these ? new members contingent on confirmation of their membership in the Democratic Party[Approved]
- Approve new Members in Good Standing:
- Chair’s Report Fred Mervine reviewed his report. A review of the AdHoc Committees was done. Followup items include:
- Tekla will gather what she can on the events calendar and get them to Fred to upload
- Volunteer require us to reorganized as to what we need volunteers to do. Steve volunteered to outline what volunteers can do exactly.
- Helen will try and be three months ahead with the planning for General Club monthly meetings.
- Business
- Approve Final Financial Policy Unanimously Approved
- I would like the IMDC to vote to endorse the Patients Over Profits pledge.
- Report on MCDC Fundraising Event (all of you who went...) Review of the Central Committee Retreat was given by members who attended. Perspective of large central committees was helpful.
- Boonville Apple Fair???
Happens in the fall. - Volunteer Network
- Discuss how to set up a working volunteer network
- 8 ways to motivate volunteers in your network
- We already have a group of volunteers, but only a few know that they are volunteers. Actually converting "members" to "volunteers" requires converting our "club" into "volunteer network".
The links above are a sample of sources that are experienced in creating robust volunteer organizations. One thing that is apparent, (as we are painfully aware) getting volunteers simply by announcing that we need volunteers is simply a fool's errand.
I don't want to continue just sending out emails as our only volunteer tool. It takes planning and organization to get to the point that, as a Democratic Club, we can actually contribute to the party's success.
I need your commitment to work to build up the club into a strong volunteer organization. I'll put in the time to develop a strategy and execution plan to accomplish it, but it will take your participation, particularly involving personal member contacts (i.e., face to face or phone) to make it work.
- We already have a group of volunteers, but only a few know that they are volunteers. Actually converting "members" to "volunteers" requires converting our "club" into "volunteer network".
Secretary has information on what level of volunteering club members are willing to commit.
- Good of the Order
- Next meeting:
DATE: June 13, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751 Passcode 518110