Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Agenda 02-23
DATE February 14, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751 Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present: 6
Fred Mervine, Robin Sunbeam, Helen Sizemore, Judy Popowski, Tekla Broz, Michelle Hutchins
Quorum: Yes
- Call to order / Welcome Meeting Started at 16:05
- Revision and approval of agenda
2025122 Motion to Approve Agenda as published: Amended by Robin Sunbeam to include an item for discussing purchasing equipment to support remote meetings. Agenda approved unanimously as amended. - Consider January 2023 Executive Committee Minutes
2025122 Motion to Approve Minutes as published: Approved
- Treasurer’s Report
2025122 Motion to Approve treasurer's report as published: Report given orally by Robin Sunbeam. Membership report numbers are from last month. Treasurer's report approved pending final report.
- Approve new Members in Good Standing:
- **
- Approve new Members in Good Standing:
- Chair’s Report
- Business
- WHO ARE WE? Where do go from here? 2024 is on the way!
Continue this discussion from the last monthly meeting.
Ad hoc committee reports:
-- Fred, Helen, Robin, Michelle, Steve, Kayla, Tekla --
- WHO ARE WE? Where do go from here? 2024 is on the way!
- Club Meetings Robin
Face to face/zoom meetings venues. Robin Sunbeam reported on the success of the meeting. The payment seems to be varied based on what we purchase for pizza. Robin recommends returning. Perhaps a sandwich board outside the front door. Agreed to book Slam Dunk Piazza for two more meetings, March and April. Desire to improve on the darkness of the room. - Civic Visibility Tekla
Civic Event participation- Tekla Bros created a list of events around the county for tabling. Next task would be to figure out what is involved with tabling for the event. Is it a table, mobile headquarters or something else? Dividing up the work on how to collect the information will be discussed at the next meeting.
Monthly newsletter (Fred)- No discussion
PSAs (Robin)- Robin Sunbeam will continue to create the PSA's. These are impactful and are working. - 2024 Camapign Steve
"Mobilize" phone banks - Steve wants us to get involved in other areas, i.e. Georgia Special Election. Fred Marvin demonstrated how to use "Mobilize" to find phone banks and campaigns members can join. Make an effort to advertise this tool to our members. - Community Forum Helen
Make an annual plan for meeting presentations. Suggestions are:- Juan Orozco
- People running for Senate (closer to primary)
- Alex Padilla
- Boards that we elect and possibly the candidates running for those boards
- Possible panel presentations
- Single Payer Universal Healthcare update
- PSA information should go to Robin at least two weeks before the meeting to be most effective
- Club Meetings Robin
- Report - Gather, return MHQ Kits. Let's do a photo shoot to record one - *Robin*- Discussed in Chair's report
- Discussion- Purchasing equipment to support remote meetings. It is suggested that the club own the equipment to support remote meetings. Research into what to buy will be done. As we find equipment that works, it will be purchased. A draft financial policy will be created by the treasurer and presented at the next meeting.
- Good of the Order- Meeting ended at 17:15
- Next meeting:
DATE: March 14, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751 Passcode 518110