Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Minutes 01-23
DATE January 17, 2023
TIME: 4:05 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751 Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present: 6
Fred Mervine, Robin Sunbeam, Steve Scalmanini, Judy Popowski, Helen Sizemore, Kayla Meadows
Quorum: Yes
Guests Present: 1
Tekla Broz
- Call to order / Welcome
- Revision and approval of agenda
2025122 Motion to Approve Agenda as published: Yes - Consider December 2022 Executive Committee Minutes
2025122 Motion to Approve Minutes as published: Yes
- Treasurer’s Report - TABLED
- Approve new Members in Good Standing:
- All members approved by vote last month contingent on their membership status have been confirmed as members of the Democratic Party.
- Approve new Members in Good Standing:
- Chair’s Report
- Jeff Tyrrell set up MOE for us. Helen and Fred now have access. Judy already has MOE access.
- Fred plans to set up a long term agenda with Helen (see below)
- Report on regular civic events that IMDC should engage - Steve
- Didn't work on it yet - TABLED (Tekla will work with Steve on this, see below)
- Annual Executive Committee Election Feb 9 candidates:
- Candidate for President: Fred Mervine.
- Candidate for Secretary: Michelle Hutchins.
- MAL candidates: Kayla, Steve, Tekla.
- Scott will resign as Treasurer and Robin will be appointed to Treasurer.
- Judy Popowski will be the next liaison with the Central Committee.
- Report on regular civic events that IMDC should engage - Steve
WHO ARE WE? Where do go from here? 2024 is on the way! (continued from last month)
Set up ad hoc committees to implement these ideas with a specific volunteer to oversee:- Club Meetings **Robin & Helen**
Robin presented a spreadsheet with the results of her research into venues. More venues were suggested and Robin will investigate further. We want hybrid face-face/zoom meetings using a large video monitor and laptop to project by Zoom into a face-to-face meeting.
Plan to consider buying a large screen TV? NOT YET. Many venues already have it!
Pay for venue? Prefer something available with food and alcohol. Goal: to hold our elections in 3 weeks face-to-face. Helen suggests that after Fred posts the recording of the meeting on the website, that he send a message to all members that the interesting meeting is now available online. Robin will work with Helen to secure a venue for February 9. - Marketing IMDC **Tekla**
Pay a college intern to network us into social media online? - Scott???
Advertise on social media? - Phyllis posts on the Facebook page.
Civic Event participation - Tekla & Steve will assemble an annual list of civic events and the deadlines for applying.
Monthly newsletter - Fred. Helen suggests we include info from the monthly Whitehouse Newsletter "News from Washington DC: Positive Democratic Actions We Can Take" using the same brief introductory preface every month. Fred will get back to Helen about whether we should include it or not.
PSAs and Facebook events - Robin PSA's must be submitted 2 weeks before the event. We must act now to secure a venue to advertise in the PSA due next week! - Develop 2023-24 Campaign **Fred & Steve**
Membership Drive - MOE, phone banks, county Dem data...
Labor Day Picnic - Judy
Mobile HQ - Robin
"Mobilize" phone banks - Steve wants us to get involved in other areas, i.e. Georgia Special Election - IMDC Meeting Program **Helen and Kayla...**
Make an annual plan for meeting presentations- Idea to give a presentation on student loan relief.
- invite our local elected, state and fed representatives
- investigate which boards will have elections and invite a board member to tell us what that board does.
- Publish our schedules quarterly. Advertise our topics of interest as "appetizers."
- Club Meetings **Robin & Helen**
- Gather, return MHQ Kits. Let's do a photo shoot to record one - *Robin*
- Robin has all the MHQ kits at her house except for the one Tekla has in Covelo. She thinks it should stay in Covelo, and let Tekla be responsible to restock it. Tekla agreed.
- Fred will come to Ukiah on Friday to accompany Robin to the bank to do new signature cards and also do a photo shoot of the MHQ.
- After a MHQ photo is done, Robin will contact Helen to put the kits in the storage space.
- Next meeting:
DATE: February 14, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751 Passcode 518110