IMDC EXEC Mins 06-22

Inland Mendocino Democratic Exec Committee Minutes

DATE: June 21, 2022
TIME: 4:14 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Jim Mastin, Scott Miller, Judy Popowski, Steve Scalmanini, Helen Sizemore, Robin Sunbeam

Quorum: yes

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    2025115 Motion to Approve Agenda as revised: unanimous
  3. Consider May 22 Executive Committee Minutes
    2025115 Motion to Approve Minutes as written: unanimous

  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. No report at this time. Scott will email it to us
  5. Chair’s Report

    1. Consider status of MHQ project - do we have members who will run a MHQ event?
    2. Should we reconsider? Scale back?

      1. Discussion concluded that it is too early to scale back.  Better to expand the pool of volunteers.
  6. Business
    1. Approve new Members in Good Standing - none at this time.
    2. Endorsements - Steve is ready to report
      1. Reviewed current endorsement policy.  Original unmarked document is on the IMDC website.
      2. Need an endorsement committee. Need to find volunteers for the endorsement committee.  Add it to the letter.
      3. Fred will add it to the online newsletter and to mailchimp.  Need to send the letter out by July 7th.
      4.  Move to change need to be endorsed from 80% to 66%.  2025115 Motion passed as stated...: 6 ayes, 1 abstained
      5. Move to change from 80% to 66% in the next paragraph. 2025115 Motion passed as stated...: unanimously
      6. Moved to eliminate the 2nd sentence of the section called "Timing."  2025115 Motion passed as stated...: unanimously
      7. Moved to revise final paragraph to be "...members in good standing who are present and voting." 2025115 Motion passed as stated...: unanimously
      8. Steve will revise the endorsement policy and send it to Fred to send to us all. 
    3. Report on recruitment efforts
      1. Members reported the results of calling members in good standing to recruit them
      2. Helen reported 2 people interested
      3. Robin & Jim reported that a few said they  would consider it and some said they will be available in August
      4. Robin suggests we should also call our former members who are not all paid up members
      5. Jim thinks it would be better to send letters to the lapsed members rather than phoning.
      6. Fred will work with Kayla to write the letter and get it done within the next week.
      7. Jim will ask SEIU Patrick and find a union printer.  Send letters first to those whose memberships have lapsed.  Jim will search for the envelopes that Joe gave him.  Patrick responded that there are no local union printers but offered the SEIU office printer.
      8. Scott has envelopes and mailing labels.
      9. Then we will print the letters and mail them out before July 7.
    4. MHQ Budget
      1. Committee of Fred, Robin & Helen have appt on June 29 to see the Dem storage shed
    5. Fire and water tax - will we endorse it?
    6. Helen arranged for energy speakers for our next meeting.  Plan a discussion on the proposed fire and water tax for the following month.
  1. Mobile Headquarters Team Reports
  • MHQ Guide-  Helen
  • MHQ Kit - Robin
  • MHQ Manual - Fred
  • MHQ Sites - Jim
  • MHQ Voter Data - Judy
  • MHQ Recruitment - TBD
  • MHQ PR - TBD
  • MHQ Schedule - TBD
  • MHQ Deployment - TBD
  • MHQ Provision Kits - TBD
  1. Adjourned 6:06pm
  2. Next meeting:
    DATE: July 19, 2022
    TIME: 4:00 PM
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
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