IMDC Exec-Agenda-02-21

Inland Mendocino Democratic Exec Committee Agenda

DATE: February 11, 2021
TIME: 5:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
  3. No current Executive Committee Minutes

  4. Chair’s Report

    1. John Haschak responded to inquiry regarding Oversight and AB 1185
      My thinking on the Public Safety Advisory Board and AB 1185 was this. We
      created the framework for PSAB before AB 1185. Then when the PSAB came
      back to the BOS after it had been written up into and ordinance by County
      Counsel and I wasn't even thinking about AB 1185 beforehand, it was either
      go back to the beginning, start all over or pass the PSAB and try to
      incorporate AB 1185 into the PSAB once the committee is up and running. So
      now we have time to see what we can do with AB 1185. Getting the PSAB this
      far along has been a struggle. I would like to see AB 1185 in place.
      Glenn McGourty will be at the meeting tonight until 6:00
      Setting up schedule to have the other Supes on in March, April and May
      Scott will miss tonight's meeting
  5. Treasurer’s Report

  6. Business
    1. MHQ Report - Joe Joe's Proposal
    2. Approve new Members in Good Standing
    3. Actions
  1. Good of the Order
  2. Next meeting:
    DATE: March 11, 2021
    TIME: 5:00 PM
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953
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