Climate Emergency Resolution

Resolution Endorsing the Declaration of a Climate Emergency and a Call for the End of Fossil Fuels

Whereas: The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), President Biden, the U.S. Congress, the California State Legislature and the Fifth California Climate Change Assessment assert that we are in a Climate Emergency and agree to immediately transition away from burning fossil fuels that are accelerating climate change; and

Whereas: Restoring a safe and stable climate requires emergency mobilizations at all levels to reach net zero GHG emissions across all sectors to remove excess carbon from the atmosphere, and to implement measures to protect all species on earth from the catastrophic climate changes we are experiencing now and in the future; and

Whereas: The California Legislature has set clear climate objectives for sustainable renewable energy by 2045 in order to avoid global warming impacts from wild fires, storms, real estate losses, energy inadequacies, water availability, health risks, especially to high risk communities, at an unprecedented economic cost of trillions of dollars annually;

THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED, California Democratic Party declares a Climate Emergency and joins a global call for a fair and equitable society that achieves net zero emissions as quickly as possible with full community participation, inclusion and support for safe carbon sequestration from the atmosphere and accelerating adaptation and resilience strategies to survive intensifying climate impacts.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that CADEM commits to endorse and financially support Democratic candidates who commit to this Resolution.

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