Chairs Report 06-23


We need volunteers to participate in Tekla's events. We need volunteers to contribute to external campaigns and local campaigns, such as the MHQ, and we need more attendance at our club meeting to foster a spirit of community and pride in Democratic and Progressive ideals.

    1. Volunteer Network
      1. Discuss how to set up a working volunteer network
      2. 8 ways to motivate volunteers in your network
    1. We already have a group of volunteers, but only a few know that they are volunteers. Actually converting "members" to "volunteers" requires converting our "club" into  "volunteer network".
      The links above are a sample of sources that are experienced in creating robust volunteer organizations. One thing that is apparent, (as we are painfully aware) getting volunteers simply by announcing that we need volunteers is simply a fool's errand.
      I don't want to continue just  sending out emails as our only volunteer tool. It takes planning and organization to get to the point that, as a Democratic Club, we can actually contribute to the party's success.
      I need your commitment to work to build up the club into a strong volunteer organization.
  1. ContextIn order to have a reasonable government that provides greatest benefit for all. To realize that we need a knowledgeable electorate and accountable government. So our mission is to Educate our Community and Elect Democratic Candidates.

    Our monthly forums are aimed at the education component, and of course the MHQ program and Robin’s voter reg efforts address the Election component., so this isn’t a new idea, but for 2024, we need to up our game. We have a “big” cash resource, and a big pool of potential volunteers. I believe the recipe for success involves three main ingredients:

    1. The exec committee’s brain power to come up with effective programs
    2. Our cash resources (and potential fund raising)
    3. Our members

    I’ve outlined our current approach in Programs, below, divided into the two mission blocks. We have items in all but the recruit/train Elections block. But these are really only “items”. They get a little attention, and even some actual activity – i.e., register voters and our monthly forum. We’ve gathered some info for the events and campaigns, but there is not much here that is “actionable” – that is, something we can turn over to volunteers to accomplish some objectives.







    1. Come up with at least one Goal/Objective/Activity that will help us accomplish our mission, either Education or Elections. Give it a name. Then make it actionable.
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