IMDC EXEC Minutes 12 23

IMDC EXEC Minutes 12 23

DATE December19, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110

  1. Call to order / Welcome: Meeting was called to order at 4:08
  2. Revision and approval of agenda Revision to consider Climate Emergency Resolution under new business proposed by Robin. 
    2025122 : Unanimous
    Motion to Approve Agenda as revised[Approved/action]
  3. Consider October 2023 Executive Committee Minutes
    2025122 : Approved with one abstainion
    Motion to Approve Minutes as published[Approved/action]
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    2025122 : Unanimous
    Motion to Approve treasurer's report for October and November as published[Approved/action]

    1. Approve new Members in Good Standing: 
      1. **2025122 : Unanimous
        Motion to Accept these 4 new members, their membership in the Democratic Party already confirmed by Judy[Approved/action]
    2. Membership renewal drive letters report was covered by Robin in the Treasurer's report
  5. Chair’s Report  
  6. Old Business
    1. All Executive members shall use the website to access information such as phone numbers of booth volunteers,
    2. All Executive members will email Fred ideas of what a Booth Staffer should be doing, and use member volunteer list to call for volunteers and IMDC membership renewal. 
    3. Fred will add to the Event Template when Sally closes up events to avoid confusion in the future.
    4. Michelle will write a welcome letter from us to new senator welcoming her to the democratic family. Done
    5. How to reach out to other clubs for help in staffing the booths for different events was discussed
    6. Michelle and Fred will update the call lists and send them out to exec committee members.
      I've updated our roster and Mailchimp lists. Still have to update all lists and install on web site. Fred made a move to purchase Mailchimp so that we have more access to it than one member. Motion was seconded and it was voted to table the vote until next meeting when Fred has more complete information.
    7. Michelle will gain access to the volunteer spreadsheet and work with Fred on divide up the membership as a telephone tree for executive members to call and make a personal connection
    8. Michelle will write letter to Senator McGuire congratulating him on his promotion on club letterhead. Done
    9. Endorsement ad hoc Committee report

      1. AD2 forum status - Helen - Endorsement questionnaire needs editing to change the return date to be the end of December. Michelle will do this ASAP.
      2. Supes - letters mailed?
        1. Endorsements Standing Rule 2022
    10. Webmaster no progress here
      1. We need to establish a way to keep the website up to date and to exist after I've crossed the great divide.
      2. anybody know somebody???
      3. Robin will budget $100 a month for webmaster.
  1. New Business Robin reviewed the Climate Emergency Resolution details, Group will vote at next meeting on approving the resolution.
  1. Activity Plan Reports
    1. Helen - Meeting topics & speakers
    2. Tekla - Community Events
    3. Steve - Campaign participation
  1. Good of the Order- Michelle is not able to attend the meeting on the 15th.
  2. Meeting Adjourned at 5:25 pm.
  3. Next meeting:
    DATE: January15, 2023
    TIME: 4:00 PM
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
Posted in IMDC EXEC Minutes.

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