2022 Inc & Exp Summary

I hope this is simple enough for you to see.  I made the font bigger and bolder. As you can see, we took in $3473.54 and spent $2001.35. leaving an estimated yearly profit of $1470. Factors to consider: Less income because membership dropped to about 1/3 less than the previous year Less event expenses due […]

IMDC Treas 03-23

3/9/23 Savings Balance    $6078.06 Checking Balance $5300.11

IMDC Treas 01-23

Treas Rpt 01-23 Treasurer’s Report for January 2023 IMDC Meeting (for the period  12/31/22 to 12/01/22) Assets Checking balance:  $  5078.65 Savings balance:     +$5077.07 Total balance:   $11,155.72 Cash from February meeting: $ 27.60 Receivables:             $50 in ActBlue   Liabilities Payables:      $ 0   Fund Balance                      $11,155.72   Income and Expense (since last report) Donations and […]

IMDC Treas 12-22

(for the period 11/1/22 to 11/30/22) Assets Cash in the bank: $11,154.83 Receivables: $0 Liabilities Payables: Fund Balance $11,154.83 Income and Expense (since last report) Donations and memberships: $84.01 Interest earned $0.50 Expenses Net income over Expense since last Report 84.51 In-kind Income-Expense $0 Membership Report: 81 Members in good standing  73 Lapsed (of those […]

IMDC Treas 10-22

(for the period 9/1/22 to 9/30/22) Assets Cash in the bank: $12000.79 Receivables: $0 Liabilities Payables: $350 to 3 candidates = $1050 (have yet to clear bank) Fund Balance $12000.79 Income and Expense (since last report) Donations and memberships: $2639.14 Interest earned $0.50 Expenses Net income over Expense since last Report $2639.14 In-kind Income-Expense $0 […]