During the City of Ukiah’s regular meeting of January the 15th, the council approved the consent calendar, which included a number of items.
The most significant and important for the citizens to be aware of, is the review and acceptance of the 2024 Development Impact Fees Report and Corresponding Actions.
Approval of the contractors’ list, which is reviewed at the start of every year.
The adoption of an Ordinance Modifying Ukiah City Code to Add a New Chapter 13, Entitled “Vacant and Abandoned Property Registration and Maintenance,” to More Effectively Regulate Vacant and Abandoned Properties.
The council also authorized the City Manager to Execute a Municipal Lease Agreement with Financial Pacific Leasing, Inc., DBA Umpqua Bank Equipment Leasing & Finance, to Finance the Acquisition of RIMS Computer-Aided Dispatch and Records Management Software and Approve Corresponding Resolution.
Approval of Plans and Specifications for Remodel at 501 South State Street, Specification 25-01, and Direct Staff to Advertise for Bids. This is the Bank of America building that the city acquired.
Reviewed and Considered the Fiscal Year 2025-26 Budget Development Schedule.
The possibility of amending the City Code Provisions Regarding Enforcement of Business License Regulations.
Juan Orozco