MHQ Overview 2024

The Mobile Headquarters Project 2022

Our initial goal is to deploy a MHQ in each of five areas twice a month or 5 times over the 10 week cycle;  about 55 times total. Days & times & locations are flexible.

CLICK HERE to get info on how to volunteer as a MHQ operator.

The Inland Club will deploy a series of Mobile Headquarters (MHQ) during the 2024 election cycle beginning on the day after Labor Day and continuing  up to the election in November. We want to bring our Democratic message to voters all over the county, especially those within the reach of the Inland Club.
The Election Cycle spans about 10 weeks. There are 5 general areas that we want to serve:

  • Willits/Covelo/Laytonville
  • Calpella/Potter Valley/Redwood Valley
  • Ukiah/Talmage
  • Hopland
  • Boonville

One MHQ will not be sufficient to cover the IMDC area, so our plan is for volunteers to use their own vehicles to set up MHQs in these general areas.

A day in the life of a MHQ operator:

  • Pick up the MHQ-Kit at the location for your area
  • Drive to the designated location
  • Set up the MHQ using the MHQ-KIT contents
  • Hand out collateral, collect donations, enroll new IMDC members, register voters, answer questions, engage voters
  • Close up the MHQ - repackage the MHQ-KIT and return it to the pick-up location
  • Fill in the summary report, noting gas cost and a brief description of the experience - comments, suggestions.

The IMDC’s mission is to get out the Democratic vote in Inland Mendocino to assure election of Democratic candidates. Many other organizations work to deliver Democratic votes locally, statewide and nationally, but IMDC’s focus is here and now.

The Mobile Headquarters in 2020 was a great success, but Joe is no longer able to drive the BAV, so we have to step up our game to deploy a Mobile HQ in 2022. We believe the most effective way to accomplish this for our members to use their own vehicles and a MHQ-Kit that we will provide to set up MHQs around the Inland area at selected sites. Members can volunteer for just one event, or as many as desired, at sites near to where you live.

The campaign starts on Labor Day and runs through Election Day, about 10 weeks, so there will be plenty of opportunity for you to participate as a MHQ staffer.

Look at this space in the coming months for details, and plan to join the fun this fall.

Here’s the plan.

Build out the MHQs

  • We will create several (~5) MHQ-Kits that contain everything needed to set up a headquarters from a vehicle: signage, campaign collateral, voter registration forms, a table, some liquid refreshment for HQ workers, handouts, a donations jar, etc.

MHQ Staffers:

  • We will place these kits a strategic locations around the IMDC area
  • Our dedicated members sign up for one or more days/times and set up a MHQ at a selected site, pick up the MHQ-Kit in their area, and use the MHQ-Kit to set up a Mobile Headquarters and engage voters.
  • Best times are likely from lunch time (1130 am – 1:30 pm) and after work (4:30 pm – 6:30 pm)
  • To close up: record donations, gas expense, notes and comments, pack up MHQ-Kit and return all to the pick-up site
  • Fill out an experience report

MHQ-Kit Caretakers

  • Provide convenient place for Staffers to pick up the MHQ-Kit
  • Refresh MHQ-Kit after each use
  • Deliver experience reports, voter registration forms, and contributions to MHQ Coordinator

MHQ Coordinator

  • Maintains volunteer schedule – dates, times, sites
  • Facilitates MHQ-Kit refreshments
  • Records data
  • Handles Caretaker and Staffer issues
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