Labor Day Picnic Volunteer Guide -2024
The Mendocino County Democratic Party is gearing up for its annual Labor Day Picnic and would like to request your help. This event is a major fundraiser to support our activities throughout the county in support of our endorsed candidates.
Set up begins at 10 and Central Committee members all clean up and we have our monthly meeting afterwards.
Silent Auction
he picnic will feature a silent auction. Please consider donating items for the auction. Gift certificates for dining or lodging, art objects, homemade preserves, summer garden produce, and jewelry are always great silent auction items. Whatever you might like to contribute will be greatly appreciated. If you have items that you wish to contribute to the silent auction, please contact
Susan Savage (707) 962-7026
The Picnic starts a 11 AM and ends at 3 PM
Picnic setup starts at 10 AM
Volunteer Roles
Setup Tasks
Clean & Set Tables (Cloths & Poms & Flags & Hand Sanitizers)
Set up Chairs & Back Tables
Post signs at Park & Hang Banner(s)
Volunteer to direct folks to Todd Grove Room (10:45 - 11:15?)
Water Setup
Set up Welcome Table: Sign In Badges/Sharpies/Sign-In Sheet/Masks
Set up Paraphernalia Table & identify suggested donations, donation jar
Picnic Do-ers
- 2 people to exchange $ for tickets (for drinks and food) We'll have a poster there so you know what is what.
- 2 people for Welcome table
- 1-2 at Voter Registration table/club table
- help Susan coordinate the Silent Auction
- someone to help at the food booth
- coordinate the finger food dessert potluck and many to contribute to it. This will be inside with the silent auction.
- Wine servers
- Pick up 2 cases of beer at Anderson Brewery and bring it chilled if possible.
- Put up posters everywhere in the county when they are finished.
- Obtain and set up the sound system.
How to Register Voters
This guide is available in hard copy in the MHQ Kit
- Know how to register voters with manual form
- Know how to access the online voter registration site:
- Online Voter Registration Click on this hyperlink to access on-line voter registration
- Or use this QR Cod
Tools & Material
- Cell phone with internet access
- Laptop (optional - club laptop if available)
- Many physical Voter Registration Forms
- Pens
- MHQ Kit
- QRCode to access online registration (see MHQ Kit)
Level of Effort
Five hours of exciting activity and opportunity to engage with your fellow citizens and help to save our Democracy from the evil forces afoot in our land.
Take Down
Take down tasks are done by the MCDP followed by a CC meeting