IMDC mins-06-20

DATE: June 11
TIME: 5:33pm

Members Present: Jackie Orozco, Jeff Tyrell, Dave Nelson, Steve Scalmanini, Mari Rodin, Karen Rifkin, Jim Mastin, Irma Turner

Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Phyllis Mervine, Joe Wildman, Mike Pallesen, Helen Sizemore, Judy Poplawski, Monica Quiroz-Rivera

Guests: Jim Wood

Quorum: A quorum was present

  1. Call to order / Welcome
    Meeting called to order at 5:33
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    2025222 Motion to Approve Agenda : Approved
  3. Public Comment and Announcements
    Go to to check if you are registered to vote and to update your signature, if needed.
  4. Minutes
    Consider February Minutes
    2025222 Motion to Approve Minutes as revised: Passed

    Consider May Minutes
    2025222 Motion to Approve Minutes as revised: Passed

  5. Treasurer’s Report
    Joe reported a balance of $9,500.46. The $500 check to Redwood Coast Democrats has not cleared. PO Box and storage facility are paid up for a year. Dina Hutton was approved as a new member in good standing.
    2025222 Motion to Approve treasurer's report: Passed

  6. Old Business
  • Endorsement Standing Rule
    We appointed a committee to work on it. Jackie and Irma volunteered.
  • Headquarters Campaign 2020
    We're probably not going to do a normal HQ but need to figure out how to provide election materials to people who want them, yard signs, etc.
  • Labor Day Picnic - No discussion
  • T-shirts
    2025222 Motion to give members a T-shirt when they renew their memberships on a first come, first serve basis (as regards sizes) : Passed
  • Blue Notes - They have sent over 2000 postcards so far.
  • Campaign 2020
    • Supervisors - see how you can join in to support your candidate
    • Swing Left - phone banking nationwide Swing Left targeted races and candidates Individual
    • Vote Forward - Letter writing nationwide VF targeted races - Helen POC
    • CADEM Remote phone banking events in CA
    • CADEM/PDI Coordinated campaigns in CA

Fred showed us where the information appears on the website.

  1. New Business
    DNC environmental council climate recommendations
    We missed the deadline. No time for discussion of the platform.
    Get out the vote proposal
    Mike proposed funding a Native American person to go to another location (possibly another state) to help get out the Native American vote.
  1. Main Event
  • Assembly member Jim Wood joined us for discussion and Q&A 6:00-6:30. Besides working on the State budget, one of their big items this week was discussing putting a constitutional amendment on the ballot to repeal Prop. 209. 209 passed in 1996 and amended the state constitution to prohibit state governmental institutions from considering race, sex, or ethnicity, specifically in the areas of public employment, public contracting, and public education.
    The Assembly passed ACA 25 yesterday. If it passes the Senate, ACA 25 would add a section to California’s Constitution allowing legislators to participate and vote remotely.
  1. Motion to Adjourn
    2025222 Motion to Adjourn: Passed
  2. Next meeting:
    July 9
    Online meeting CLICK HERE
    Or call in - Dial-in number (US): (515) 604-9300 Use Access code: 190753#

Team action items require supporting material submitted in writing seven days prior to the IMDC meeting.
All agenda items may be considered action items.

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