IMDC Mins 05-20

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Minutes

DATE: May 14, 2020
TIME: 5:30pm
PLACE: Telephonic
Members Present: David Nelson, Mo Mulheren, Jim Mastin, Carol Rosenberg, Steven Scalmanini, Eileen Mitro, Helen Sizemore, Wendy Cram, Jorge De Cecco, Val Murchowski, Kayla Meadows

Exec Members Present: Phyllis Mervine, Joe Wildman, Fred Mervine, Judy Popowski, Mike Pallesen, Monica Quiroz Rivera

Guests: None

Quorum: yes

    1. Call to order / Welcome
      Call to order 5:37
    1. Revision and approval of agenda
      2025222 Motion to Approve Agenda: approved
    1. Public Comment and Announcements
      (Non-agenda items, 3 minutes max)
      Mo announced an event on Sunday May 17.
    1. Consider  Minutes
      2025222 Motion to Approve Minutes: Postponed to next meeting

    1. Chair’s Report
      Helen Sizemore has volunteered to be Member-at-Large to fill the vacancy left by Tony Melville's resignation.
    1. Treasurer’s Report
      Joe reported the balance is almost $10,000.00. Payments are due for the PO box and storage unit. There have been no new memberships in the past month.
    1. Old Business
      Endorsement - IMDC is not doing endorsements at this time.
      Labor Day Picnic - Not feasible with current guidelines for COVID HOWEVER we will do something. Helen will organize speakers, Joe will look into auction. Kayla and Dave volunteered to be on the committee. Contact Helen to get involved.
      Headquarters - Probably also not feasible due to construction downtown and social distancing rules.
    1. New Business
      2025222 MOTION to appoint Helen Sizemore as Member-at-Large of IMDC duly moved and seconded: passed unanimously

      T-Shirts - we are considering selling or giving away
      Campaign 2020 - Swing Left and other activities. Helen is participating in Blue Notes, a program to send postcards to Democrats to make sure they are registered and encourage them to vote.
  1. Operational Team Reports
  1. Good of the Order
    Campaign 2020 From Home
  2. Next meeting:
    June 11, 2020

Team action items require supporting material submitted in writing seven days prior to the IMDC meeting.
All agenda items may be considered action items.

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