IMDC mins-03-21

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Minutes

DATE: 03-11-2021
TIME: 5:30 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953
Members Present: Jim Mastin, Steve Scalmanini, Katharine Cole, Kayla Meadows, Scott Miller, Val Muchowski, Robin Sunbeam, John Haschak

Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Helen Sizemore, Judy Poplawski, Phyllis Mervine

Quorum: A quorum is present

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    2025222 Motion to Approve Agenda: Approved by a majority
  3. Public Comment and Announcements
    The Board of Supervisors will be accepting public input in their discussion of what to do with the $22 million PG&E settlement for the 2017 fires. Check the BOS website for agendas.
  4. Consider February Minutes
    2025222 Motion to Approve Minutes : Passed by a majority
  5. Chair’s Report

    1. The Club Executive Committee with a few others is conducting ongoing planning workshops on Mondays.
    2. Mendo County Democratic Central Committee approved the project of deploying the Mobile HQ around the County.
    3. Monica Quiroz-Rivera has resigned from Executive Committee and we need to replace her.
  6. Treasurer’s Report
    Scott Miller reported that we have about $9000 in the bank, no payables or receivables. We have 122 members and 33 lapsed members.
    2025222 Motion to Approve treasurer's report: Passed unanimously
  7. Main Event
  • John Haschak 3rd District Supervisor joined us to discuss current issues and events.
    • The Board of Supervisors is starting to discuss the disposition of the PG&E $22 million settlement money and there are many competing interests.
    • The Public Safety Advisory Board is supposed to oversee the Sheriff's department and ensure accountability. AB 1185 gives the County the ability to use subpoena power and the BOS sent County Counsel the by-laws for the Public Safety Oversight Board to see how to incorporate the subpoena power into the bylaws.
    • Cannabis issues in Mendocino County. There is controversy over the new proposal to allow 10% of ag land to be planted in cannabis.
    • The Board of Supervisors is starting to discuss the disposition of the PG&E settlement money and there are many competing interests.
    • Fire Wise Council and CalFire are considering how to deal with all the trees knocked down in the January storm.
    • Other topics we touched on: redistricting, infrastructure for electric vehicles. consolidation of animal care with animal control.
  1. Business
  • Items of interest
    • Redistricting. Helen said based on 2020 census numbers, the Citizens Commission could make changes which have a profound impact on our Assembly and Congressional representation. Locally, school districts, water districts, fire districts—all kinds of lines could be changed. We need to understand what is at stake and be ready to make our voices heard when the Commission (14 individuals, 5 Democrats,5 Republicans, 4 Independents) has their public input hearings. We need to emphasize what we have in common with the long north-south community along our coastline: fish, water, tribes, redwoods, and transportation along the 101 Corridor. We also may have the opportunity to fill new appointed seats by our elected. Find more info on the website.
    • Recall. We will be working on opposing the recall, in line with the state Democratic Party. Newsom is not allowed to run in the election, should the recall be successful.
  1. Operational Team Reports
  • Elections Report -  Judy Judy is surveying vacancies on advisory boards. There is a training workshop on April 24.
  • Communications Report - Katharine We have had our first issue of the Newsletter.
  • Education Report - Helen
  • CAL Care - Robin
    SB 1400 CAL CARE
    Robin said the #1 priority for the CalCare campaign is to participate in the April 17 action meeting.
  • Community Outreach Report - Monica
  1. Good of the Order
  2. Next meeting:
    April 8, 20211
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953

Team action items require supporting material submitted in writing seven days prior to the IMDC meeting.
All agenda items may be considered action items.

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