IMDC mins 02-20

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Minutes February 2020

DATE: Feb 13, 2020
TIME: 5:35pm
PLACE: Mountain Mike's Pizza, 1090 S State St, Ukiah
Members Present: Monica Quiroz-Rovera. Judy Popowski, Izzy Ferrante, Mo Mulheren, Roth Van Antwerp, Michael Pallesen, Carol Rosenberg, Steve Scalmanini, Janet Orth, Eldon Moilanen, Joel Soinila, Jorge DeCecco, Kayla Meadows, Elizabeth Sadlier, Sharron Thomas, Irma Turner, John Sakowicz (came late)

Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Joe Wildman, Jackie Orozco, Phyllis Mervine

Guests: Sherry Glavich, Angie Bakker, Alicia Logan, Rhea Pitchard, Michael Unroe, Lynn Unroe, Glenn McGourty, Vergilia Dakin

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    20241222 Motion to Approve Agenda: Passed unanimously
  3. Public Comment and Announcements
    Sunday March 1 -- Celebration of 100th anniversary of women's right to vote
    Saturday Feb 15 -- Walk the new trail
    Monday Feb 24 2nd District bilingual candidates' forum, Veterans' Memorial
  4. Consider January Minutes

    20241222 Motion to Approve Minutes : Approved unanimously

  5. Chair’s Report
    Club website is at Click on Inland Mendocino Democratic Club logo. Calendar, agendas, minutes etc. for all the Mendocino County Democratic clubs and the Central Committee.
  6. Treasurer’s Report
    Joe Wildman reported we have $9,800.00 in the bank and he has filed membership applications.
    20241222 Motion to accept treasurer's report as revised: Approved unanimously

  7. Old Business
    • Election of Officers and Members-at-Large
      • Joe Lewis Wildman - Treasurer
      • Mike Pallesen - VP
      • Members-at-Large
        • Monica Quiroz-Rivera
        • Tony Melville
        • Judy Popowski
          MOTION to elect the slate of officers and Members-at-Large duly made and seconded and approved unanimously.
    • Fund raising ideas - Gift Baskets to be auctioned off at the Picnic (Monica), "Non-Event (Helen)
    • Like minded groups - who are they? - Mike offered to coordinate this effort. Idea to cosponsor a film or films (Fred). Monica is tabling at Dia del Niño April 30, 3-6pm. Alex Thomas Plaza. Buy (and wear) our T-shirts.
    • We reviewed the calendar. These are speakers planned for future IMDC meetings.
      • April - Ted Williams
      • May - Jim Wood
      • June - Doug Nunn - The politics of Climate Change
      • July Carre Brown
  1. New Business
    • Saturday Feb 22 -- Phone banking workshop in Santa Rosa
    • Saturday Feb 29, 1-4pm -- Phone banking at SEIU office, Bring your cell phone, laptop and chargers and optional headset
  1. Meeting Event
    (John Sakowicz arrived part-way through)
    • Supervisor Candidates Forum
      • 1st District
      • 2nd District
        • JOEL SOINILA
        • MARI RODIN
  1. Good of the Order
  2. Next meeting:
    March 12, 2020
    Slam Dunk Pizza 720 N State St, Ukiah
Posted in .

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