Inland Mendocino Democratic Club January 2021 Minutes
DATE: 01-14-2021
TIME: 5:30 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 894 0277 5632 Passcode 304953
Members Present: Maureen Mulheren, Dave Nelson, John Haschak, Jim Mastin, Robin Sunbeam, Kayla Meadows, Val Murchowski
Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Jody Poplawski, Joe Wildman, Helen Sizemore, Monica Quiroz Rivera, Phyllis Mervine
Guests: Katharine Cole
Quorum: Present
- Call to order / Welcome
- Revision and approval of agenda
2025122 Motion to Approve Agenda: Approved - Public Comment and Announcements
Katharine Cole has moved back to the area and wants to get involved.
John Haschak said yesterday and today the County had distributed 800 doses of the vaccine. The State is promising more and the County is ramping up.
Mo Mulheren added details, such as under 75s are not being included yet and essential workers have not all received doses.
Robin Sunbeam is running for ADEM rep. Please vote for her. (And Joe Wildman) - Consider DecemberMinutes
2025122 Motion to Approve Minutes : Passed unanimously
October minutes were not considered.
- Chair’s Report
- Georgia trip successful! Joe was able to flip the Senate.
- Treasurer’s Report
We have $9179.29 in the bank, no debts. We have 130 members, 29 lapsed.
2025122 Motion to Approve treasurer's report and the Approved Member List: passed unanimously
- Business
- Treasurer - Joe will be retiring as Treasurer this year.
Scott Miller has volunteered to be Treasurer - Vice President
Mike Pallesen is unable to continue as VP.
Helen Sizemore has volunteered to fill the VP slot - Elections - Nominations
The following are the nominations that we have received.
Fred Mervine
Phyllis Mervine
Members at large
Monica Quiroz-Rivera
Judy Popowski
Katharine Cole
- Treasurer - Joe will be retiring as Treasurer this year.
This slate will be voted on at the February meeting.
- Main Event
- The next cycle has begun. What are your ideas for IMDC activities leading up to the 2022 cycle?
These ideas were brought up and have peoples' names associated with them. Please consider how you can contribute to them and provide some of your own ideas for making the IMDC a Democratic presence in Mendocino.
- Mobile HQ. We talked about using the van to make monthly trips around the county to recruit members. Contact Joe Wildman or Scott Miller.
- Support local activist groups. Jackie has been in touch with local charities who are helping DACA people. IMDC could support these organizations rather than trying to create something on our own. IMDC could also fund people who are applying for citizenship. Contact Jackie Orozco or Monica Quiroz Rivera.
- Education. Teach civics in schools. Teach students how to participate in democracy. Contact Helen Sizemore, Kayla Meadows.
- Medicare for All. Organize rallies, petitions, political pressure. Contact Robin Sunbeam.
- Elections. Find, recruit and support people to fill government positions. Fred will put a link on the website. Contact Joe Wildman and Judy Poplawski.
- Speakers at meetings. Fred would like to have one of our elected representatives attend every IMDC meeting. Contact Fred if you know of anyone who would like to speak at a meeting about topics that are relevant to our political life--environment, justice equality, homelessness, COVID, etc.
- Countering Alternative Facts. Figure out how to reach people who listen to Fox News, OAN and Newsmax. Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. Contact Robin Sunbeam, Judy Poplowski.
- Good of the Order
Katharine will be the media liaison.
- Next meeting:
February 11, 2021
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 894 0277 5632 Passcode 304953
Team action items require supporting material submitted in writing seven days prior to the IMDC meeting.
All agenda items may be considered action items.