IMDC Mins 08-20

IMDC Agenda August 13 2020

DATE: August 13, 2020
TIME: 5:30 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953
Members Present: Jim Mastin, Patrick Hickey, Dave Nelson, Mary Ann Landis, Leo Buc, Mo Mulheren, Wendy Cram, Steve Scalmanini, Samson, Kathy Liebert, Andy Coren, Jackie Orozco, Carre Brown

Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Mike Pallesen, Judy Popawski, Joe Wildman, Helen Sizemore, Monica Quiroz Rivera, Phyllis Mervine

Quorum: A quorum was present

  1. Call to order / Welcome
    We observed a minute of silence to honor Ric Martin, a long-time Democratic activist who died recently.
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    [action approved="duly seconded and passed by a majority."]Motion to Approve Agenda [/action]
  3. Speaking Event
    First District Supervisor Carre Brown has served the County since 2009. For details of her talk click HERE. Brown said it was often difficult to find solutions but it is essential to find common ground to try to solve the many vital issues in the County that affect peoples' lives. Groundwater and sustainability are two top issues that need to be prioritized in the future. Brown made a special plea for people to participate in the Census, saying that over the past decade Mendocino County missed out on millions of federal dollars that could have gone to roads, social services and schools because we were undercounted in 2010.
  4. Consider July Minutes
    2025122 Motion to Approve Minutes : duly seconded and passed unanimously.

  5. Chair’s Report
    i. Executive Committee approved  a plan to spend $2000 to send invitations to join the IMDC to all Democratic likely voters in the inland county, including Laytonville, Covello and Hopland.
    ii. T-Shirt will be given to those who renew their IMDC memberships (while supplies last) and will be available in the Mobile HQ.
  6. Treasurer’s Report
    Joe reported that the balance is $8,185.44. We have 142 members of whom 78 will expire 8/31/20.
    2025122 Motion to Approve treasurer's report: duly seconded and passed unanimously.
  7. Business
    • Endorsement Standing Rule
      Executive Committee recommends that the Club not adopt an endorsement policy at this time.
    • District 1: Endorse Glenn McGourty
      2025122 Motion to endorse Glenn McGourty for First District Supervisor:
      duly seconded and passed unanimously.
    • District 2: Endorse both District 2 candidates
    • Mobile HQ
      Mike has put together a list of stops and who is volunteering at each stop. We need site coordinators for each stop.
      Email to volunteer or
      use the form on our website.
      We also discussed materials we would need to have available at the HQ.
    • Join the Campaign from Home
      Fred did a screen share and walked people through a Demo on how to use the website to access Campaign from Home tools.
  1. Good of the Order
    A Berkeley artist wants to do a fine arts auction to fundraise. Contact Helen Sizemore or Wendy DeWitt.
    We need more information in Spanish. Jackie is working with the Latino Community
  1. Adjourn
  2. Next meeting:
    September 10, 2020
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953

Team action items require supporting material submitted in writing seven days prior to the IMDC meeting.
All agenda items may be considered action items.

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