IMDC Exec Mins 08-20

Inland Mendocino Democratic Exec Committee Agenda

DATE: August 13, 2020
TIME: 4:45 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953
Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Mike Pallesen, Judy Poplawski, Joe Wildman, Helen Sizemore, Monica Quiroz-Rivera (late), Phyllis Mervine

    • Call to order / Welcome
      Fred called the meeting to order at 4:50pm.
    • Revision and approval of agenda
      2025222 Motion to Approve Agenda : duly seconded and passed unanimously
    • Consider July Executive Committee Minutes
      2025222 Motion to Approve Minutes.:
      duly seconded and passed unanimously.

    • Chair’s Report
      Consent Calendar
      i. 2025222
      ii. Approve T-Shirt Distribution
      This action was approved at the last meeting.
    • Treasurer’s Report
      Joe reported that we have $8.000.00 in the bank.
      2025222 : duly seconded and passed unanimously.
      Motion to Approve treasurer's report.
      duly seconded and passed unanimously.

    • Business
      i.  Phyllis has shared a few topics with Carre Brown that people said they were interested in.
      ii. Mo Mulheren has extensive experience running Zoom meetings and has agreed on very short notice to run the upcoming meeting.
      iii. Mike reported on progress with scheduling the Mobile HQ. We need Site Coordinators to pick dates/times and get permissions, and coordinate with coast clubs and Central Committee; Marketing people to let people know where it will be, and when. (Monica joined the call.) Judy has ordered signs and is planning on getting buttons and bumperstickers. We discussed what materials we will need to have on board: info about propositions, applications to join IMDC, Registration forms. We will kick off on Labor Day at Todd Grove Park at 11am, have a decorated car parade around town. Helen will prepare a route. Mobile HQ will return to the Park from 1 to 4pm.
    1. Next meeting:
      DATE: September 10, 2020
      TIME: 5:30 PM
      PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
      Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953
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