DATE: July 9, 2020
TIME: 5:30pm
Online meeting CLICK HERE
Or for audio only call in - Dial-in number: (515) 604-9300 Use Access code: 190753#
Members Present: Fred Mervine, Phyllis Mervine, Mike Pallesen, Joe WIldman, Judy Poplawski, Helen Sizemore
Exec Members Absent: Monica Quiroz Rivera
Guests: Dave Nelson
Quorum: A quorum was present
- Call to order / Welcome
Meeting called to order at 5:02
- Revision and approval of agenda
2025122 Motion to approve the Agenda: Duly seconded and passed unanimously - Minutes
Consider Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda included the April, May and June Executive board meeting minutes and minutes of two special Executive committee meetings in June.
- April Exec Board Minutes
- May Exec Board Minutes
- June Exec Board Minutes
- June Exec Board Special Meeting Minutes
- June Exec Board Special Meeting2 Minutes
2025122 Motion to Adopt the Consent Agenda: Duly seconded and passed unanimously
- Chair’s Report
We've decided to use Joe's van for a Mobile HQ. We discussed the proposed Endorsement Standing Rule.
- Treasurer’s Report
2025122 Motion to Approve treasurer's report: Duly seconded and passed unanimously
2025122 Motion to Approve Leo Buc as a new member in good standing: Duly seconded and passed unanimously - Old Business
- Endorsement Standing Rule
We discussed an alternative endorsement standing rule [proposed by Fred.
2025122 Motion to adopt the alternative endorsement standing rule for the 2020 election, subject to modifications: Postponed until next meeting - Campaign Headquarters
We discussed the Mobile HQ plan. - Labor Day Picnic - Virtual, using Mobile HQ, at Todd Grove Park. Planning in process
- Distribute T-shirts: We're going to offer them to new members and sell at Mobile HQ.
- Blue Notes - We encourage members to sign up for this local program to encourage registered Democratic voters to vote in key races nationnwide.
- Campaign 2020
- Supervisors - see how you can join in to support your candidate
- Swing Left - phone banking nationwide Swing Left targeted races and candidates Individual
- Vote Forward - Letter writing nationwide VF targeted races - Helen POC
- CADEM Remote phone banking events in CA
- Next meeting:
August 13 at 4:45pm - Adjourned at 5:30
Online meeting CLICK HERE
Or call in - Dial-in number (US): (515) 604-9300 Use Access code: 190753#
Team action items require supporting material submitted in writing seven days prior to the IMDC meeting.
All agenda items may be considered action items.