IMDC Exec Mins 05-20

IMDC Executive Committee Mins 05-20

DATE: May 14
TIME: 5:00pm
Online meeting CLICK HERE
Or for audio only call in - Dial-in number: (515) 604-9300 Use Access code: 190753#

Members Present: Fred Mervine, Judy Poplawski, Joe Wildman, Monica Queiroz-Rivera, Phyllis Mervine

Guests: Helen Sizemore, Dave Nelson

Quorum: yes

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    2025311 Motion to Approve Agenda : Duly seconded and passed unanimously
  3. Consider April Minutes
    Postponed to next meeting
  4. Chair’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
    Joe reported we have almost #10,000 in the bank. Payments are due on the storage unit and the PO box.
    2025311 Motion to Approve treasurer's report: Duly seconded and passed unanimously

  6. Old Business
  • Endorsement policy/standing order - No action taken
  • Headquarters Campaign 2020 - We are questioning whether we should have a HQ given the COVID situation.
  • Labor Day Picnic - Rethinking the picnic. Possible ZOOM event.
  1. New Business
  • Helen volunteered to fill the vacant Member at Large position
    2025311 Motion to appoint Helen as a Member at Large: Duly seconded and passed unanimously
  • We talked about what to do with the extra IMDC T-shirts. No action taken
  • Blue Notes postcard writing campaign
    2025311 Motion to send $500 to Redwood Coast Democrats to support their Blue Notes campaign: Duly seconded and passed unanimously
  1. Next meeting:
    June 11
    Online meeting CLICK HERE
    Or call in - Dial-in number (US): (515) 604-9300 Use Access code: 190753#


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