IMDC Exec Mins 04-20

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Minutes 04-20


DATE: April 2
TIME: 5:00pm
Telephonic meeting

Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Phyllis Mervine, Mike Pallesen, Judy Poplawski, Joe Wildman, Monica Quiroz-Rivera

Exec Members Absent: Tony Melville

Guests Present: Helen Sizemore

Quorum: A quorum was present

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    20241018 Motion to Approve Agenda: Passed
  3. Consider <February> Executive Committee Minutes
    20241018 Motion to Approve February 13 minutes: Duly seconded and passed unanimously

  4. Chair’s Report
    Fred said we are not going to have face-to-face meetings for the foreseeable future because of the pandemic. We need to figure out programs we can do from home.
  5. Treasurer’s Report
    Joe reported that we have $9855 in cash assets.
    20241018 Motion to Approve treasurer's report: Duly seconded and passed unanimously

  6. Business
    • 20241018 Motion to authorize Judy to contact the Democratic campaigns for supervisors and request information about how they want to be listed in our emails to IMDC members to advise them how to participate in the campaigns.: Duly seconded and passed unanimously
    • Helen reported on Swing Left. If members want to get involved with making calls to potential Democratic voters in other states, contact Helen.
      20241018 Motion to advise members to contact Helen about participating in Swing Left program to target selected campaigns in other states,: Duly seconded and passed unanimously

      20241018 Motion to list Helen as the lead contact for the letter writing campaign with Swing Left for 2020.: Duly seconded and passed unanimously
    • CADEM MOE (Mobilize, Organize, Elect) is a database and tools of the California Democratic Party.
      20241018 Motion that IMDC should encourage members to participate in state party get-out-the-vote campaign.: Duly seconded and passed unanimously
  1. Adjourned 5:32
  2. Next meeting:
    May 14 5pm
    Online meeting CLICK HERE
    Or for audio only, call in - Dial-in number: (515) 604-9300 Use Access code: 190753#
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