IMDC EXEC Minutes 4-23

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Minutes April 23

DATE April 18, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present: President Fred, Judy, Helen, Robin, Tekla, and Michelle: 6

Quorum: Yes

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    2025115 Motion to Approve Agenda as published: Agenda approved with one addition by Robin
  3. Consider March 2023 Executive Committee Minutes
    2025115 Motion to Approve Minutes as published: Unanimous

  4. Treasurer’s Report
    2025115 Motion to Approve treasurer's report as published: Unanimous

    1. Approve new Members in Good Standing: Not Done
      1. TBD
      2. **
    2. Discuss Financial Policy
  5. Chair’s Report
    Water Forum uploaded to Jukebox
  6. Business
    1. Discuss Financial Policy
      1. Robin reviewed the draft policy which brought up many questions.
      2. Should we have a minimum or maximum limit in the checking account? Yes, $2000 maximum limit
      3. Should we invest the excess cash in a CD? Yes. $4,000
      4. Should the Treasurer be allowed to spend cash in an emergency without Exec Council pre-approval? Yes  If so, what is the limit? $100
      5. Robin will eliminate PayPal from the policy and change "Working Groups" to Ad Hoc Groups. Done
      6. The Exec Committee will work with the Treasurer on an annual budget. Next Meeting
      7. All members of the Exec Committee will carefully review the draft policy for next month.
    2. Changes Financial Policy (FMM) All changes will be brought back for approval next month
      1. Executive Council -> Executive Committee
      2. The Treasurer is authorized to spend up to $100 in an emergency.
      3. There will be a minimum balance of $500 in both the checking and savings accounts in case of emergency.
      4. Responsibilities
        + ADD
        - DELETE
      • - Account for the movement of all funds.
      • Be the repository of all receipts regarding money spent for Club operations.
      • + Record and deposit all receivables
      • +Report the financial results of the IMDC operations at every monthly [business] meeting and provide annual reports.
      • +[Present a financial report to regularly scheduled Executive Committee Business meetings]
      • +Upon approval of the Executive Committee make all disbursements.
      • File required reports in a timely manner
        • CA Form 460,
        • Amended CA Form 410,,
        • Form 497 within 24 hours in case one donor gives $1000 or more.
        • Make no contractual commitment for bank loans, corporate credit cards, or for real estate lease or purchase without specific approval of the IMDC Executive Committee.
          ??(Change to "No contractual...shall be made without specific...")
      • +Make the books of the club available for inspection by any member in good standing upon written request.
      • +Keep a current list of all members in good standing showing dues paid
      • +Be the chair of the Finance/Audit Committee
      • +Prepare an annual budget
      1. Remove responsibilities from by laws replace with "see Financial Policy"
      2. The Treasurer and will disburse funds to Members of the working groups with the approval of the majority of working group Members and in accordance with the policies stated above
    1. IMDC to voted to endorse the Patients Over Profits pledge. Helen and Robin will help Michelle get it to all local elected officials plus McGuire, Wood and Huffman
    2. Continue this discussion from the last monthly meeting.
      Ad hoc committee reports:
        -- Fred, Helen, Robin, Michelle, Steve, Kayla, Tekla --
      1.  Club Meetings Venue - Robin
        Face to face/zoom meetings venues.  Still seeking a routine venue
      2. Civic Visibility - Tekla
        Review Events table - Tekla will update with what events the central committee attends and bring back to the group
        Monthly newsletter (Fred)
        PSAs (Robin) Robin is requesting that people send her the blurb for the PSA.
      1. 2024 Campaign - Steve- Fred
        Available links
      2. Community Forum  - Helen - Kayla
        Make an annual plan for meeting presentations- in progress
  1. Good of the Order
  2. Next meeting:
    DATE: May 16, 2023
    TIME: 4:00 PM
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
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