IMDC EXEC Minutes 12-24

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Agenda December 24

DATE December 17,  2024
Exec Members Present: 6
Fred Mervine, Helen Sizemore, Gabriel Baca Meza, Steve Scalmanini, Kayla Meadows, Robin Sunbeam
Quorum: Yes
  Other attendees: Tekla Broz, Liaison from the CC, Jesse Boyd, Peter Good, Judy Morgan

    1. Call to order / Welcome 4:03 by Fred
    2. Revision and approval of agenda
      2025222 Motion to Approve Agenda as amended: unanimous
    3. Consider November Minutes
    4. Treasurer’s Report
      1. Still waiting to approve 3 members when they can be confirmed as registered Democrats on MOE; waiting to be trained by Susan Savage.  No new members this month.
      2. 2025222 Motion to buy a 1-year CD with $5000 from savings: unanimous
    5. Consent Calendar Agenda, Minutes, Treasurer's Report
      2025222 Motion to Approve Consent Calendar : unanimous
    6. Central Committee Report - Tekla
      Can this be a written report in the Document System?
          Title: Central Committee Report mm-dd
          Category: Central Committee Rpt

      1. In January, as Tekla ascends to President of the CC, she will be replaced as liaison by Jesse Boyd
    7. Chair’s Report- Fred Mervine 
    8. Old Business
      1. Endorsement Standing Rule: Tabled
        Click Here
      2. Ideas for Attracting Members to Inland Mendocino Democratic  Club

        • The membership is 2% of the registered democrats that could be in the club.
        • Use MOE to generate target DEMS for out-reach
        • Make a list of registered DEMs in our IMDC zips to send out recruiting letters, or a least to sign up on the mailing list.
        • A list of specific age groups to help the REYDems,
        • A list by ethnicity to help Juan set up a Latino club.
        • A list of  those Dems who have not voted in recent elections, a reminder that registering is only the first step in participation
        • What are the benefits to joining the IMDC?
        • Have monthly or bi-monthly catered dinners charging $15 per person and feature special guest speakers like Assembly member Chris Rogers. Get underwriters. 
        • Kenny Jowers suggests we "support Democracy" by meeting less frequently
        • Give members something to do to keep them engaged.
      3. Upcoming Elections -Ad Hoc Officer Candidate Slate Committee Report - Helen Robin
        1. Nominations committee report - The Executive Committee's slate of candidates so far:
          • President - Incumbent Fred Mervine has agreed to run again
          • Secretary - Michelle Hutchens agreed to run again if no other suitable candidate is found
          • Members at Large candidates: Gabriel Baca Meza, Judy Morgan, Peter Good, and incumbent Kayla Meadows
          • Propose to separate the function of Volunteer Coordinator from the Secretary to a dedicated volunteer - Peter Good volunteered
          • Robin will send Peter the membership roster and teach him how to use it. 
        2. The officers and members at large of the Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of the members in good standing in attendance at the February (13) meeting of the members
        3. President and Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years
        4. Nominations shall be conducted at the January (9) meeting of the members
        5. Any member may run for office or member at large by submitting their name in writing to the Executive Committee at least thirty (30) days prior (Dec 10) to the January (9) membership meeting
        6. The Executive Committee's slate of candidates and a list of all other candidates shall be distributed to the membership using any electronic or physical means as appropriate at least fifteen (15 ) days prior (i.e., Jan 29) to the election date (February 13)
    9. New Business  
      1. Adopting Score voting for county elections - Gabriel will submit a written proposal next month including the opinion of Katrina Bartolome, the Registrar of Voters
      2. Estelle Introduction of petition to reinstate Auditor and Tax Collector as separate, elected offices  - TABLED
      3. Action: Review and comment on ideas presented at December member meeting
        1. Forums
          1. Sheriff/Police Chief  to talk about immigration issues.  Will they allow deportations from jail - esp those awaiting trial?
          2. Members of our Board of Supervisors can address a forum
          3. Chris Rogers
          4. <OTHERS>
        2. Info Cards
          1. Funded $500 to purchase and deliver
          2. Peter Good to obtain
          3. Work with Robin, the Treasurer, to pay for them
          4. Distribution:
            1. Vineyard/wineries
            2. Construction Crews
            3. Roofing Co's
            4. Schools - Bd of Ed
            5. Gabriel volunteered to do tabling
        3. Anti-Deportaion Training Workshop - Helen
        4. Secretary of State Rob Bonta sent a letter to all school administrators about where kids go and what to do with property if parents are deported
        5. Where do kids go if parents are captured? Letter template to be deposited with important parties
        6. Need to get the Catholic Charities Schedule - online?
        7. Psych consulting
      4. Hire someone to attend BoS and City Council meetings and include the reports in a newsletter. 
    10. Good of the Order - nothing today
    11. Meeting adjourned at 5:07.
    12. Next meeting:
      DATE: January 14,  2024
      TIME: 4:00 PM
      PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
      Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
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