IMDC Exec Minutes 11-24

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Minutes November 24

DATE November 19,  2024
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Helen Sizemore, Kayla Meadows, Robin Sunbeam, Gabriel Baca Meza, Michelle Hutchins, Tekla Broz

Quorum: Yes

    1. Call to order / Welcome 4:07 by Fred
    2. Revision and approval of agenda
      2025122 Motion to Approve Agenda as published: MSV: Fred, Kayla, 7-0 Approved
    3. Consider September Minutes
    4. Treasurer’s Report
      1. Approve new Members in Good Standing
    5. Consent Calendar Agenda, Minutes, Treasurer's Report, NewMembers in Good Standing 
      2025122 Motion to Approve Consent Calendar : MSV: Kayla, Helen, 7-0 Approved
    6. Central Committee Report - Tekla
      Central Committee is choosing the slate of officers for 2025 and getting ready for the December Meeting.
    7. Chair’s Report- Fred Mervine 
    8. Old Business
      1. Endorsement Standing Rule: I've reorganized Kayla's doc a bit with headings and re-groupings. I also added my comments in italic text and mostly indented. I did not change any of her initial text. <Table until after the election>
        Click Here
      2. Ideas for Attracting Members to Mendocino County Democratic Inland Club
        Fred sent an email to Susan Savage to get trained with MOE. Date TBD

        • The membership is 2% of the registered democrats that could be in the club.
        • Use MOE to generate target DEMS for out-reach
        • Fred to get a list of registered DEMs in our IMDC zips to send out recruiting letters, or a least to sign up on the mailing list.
        • A list of specific age groups to help the REYDems,
        • A list by ethnicity to help Juan set up a Latino club.
        • A list of  those Dems who have not voted in recent elections, a reminder that registering is only the first step in participation.
      3. MHQ status and results - we need to re-think the MHQ. Headquarters has trouble connecting with the volunteers to take it out consistently.
      4. Upcoming Elections -Ad Hoc Officer Candidate Slate Committee Report - Helen Robin
        1. The officers and members at large of the Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of the members in good standing in attendance at the February (13) meeting of the members
        2. President and Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years
        3. Nominations shall be conducted at the January (9) meeting of the members
        4. Any member may run for office or member at large by submitting their name in writing to the Executive Committee at least thirty (30) days prior (Dec 10) to the January (9) membership meeting
        5. The Executive Committee's slate of candidates and a list of all other candidates shall be distributed to the membership using any electronic or physical means as appropriate at least fifteen (15 ) days prior (i.e., Jan 29) to the election date (February 13)
    9. New Business   
      1. NONE
    10. Good of the Order
    11. Meeting adjourned at 5:14.
    12. Next meeting:
      DATE: December 17,  2024
      TIME: 4:00 PM
      PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
      Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
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