IMDC EXEC Mins 08-24

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Minutes August 24

DATE August 13,  2024
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present[Fred Mervine, Gabriel Baca, Kayla Meadows, Steve Scalmanini, Helen Sizemore, Robin Sunbeam/atten]
: yes

  1. Call to order / Welcome 4:14 by Fred
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    20241018 : Approved
    Motion to Approve Agenda as published[Unanimous/action]

    1. Since last executive meeting, we discovered we are already a PAC. Posted our FPPC ID# on our website, and published our original FPPC Forms 410 for the formation of this Club.  The last few biannual Forms 460 were also published on our website. 
  3. Consider July 2024 Executive Committee Minutes
    20241018 : Approved
    Motion to Approve Minutes as published[Unanimous/action]
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    20241018 : Approved
    Motion to Approve treasurer's report as published[Unanimous/action]
    Robin explained: Gained $290 in contributions and annual membership drive. Paid for snacks 8/8/24 and postage and a ream of paper for the annual membership drive. Total assets: $12,907.75

    1. Approve new Members in Good Standing: Sharon Rothrock & Nancy McHone.
      1. Motion to Accept these 2 new members contingent on confirmation of their membership in the Democratic Party 20241018 : Approved
    2. Membership renewal drive letters report - Robin had our members stuff the envelopes at the last general meeting.  They have been mailed. 
  5. Chair’s Report- Fred Mervine 
  6. Old Business
    1. Campaign 2024 Plan of Action
      IMDC Voter Demographics.       Robin shared a process to canvas non-voters in the county that was formerly used by the IMDC Voter Registration sub-committee.  

      1. Events
        Each event needs one person - i.e., one of you, to be responsible for that event -
        1.    Labor Day Picnic- Kayla

          1. 20241018 : Approved
            Motion to Approve purchase of a 13'x13' Pop-up canopy from Costco[Unanimous/action]  - Robin ordered it
          2. Steve and Robin will both bring their pop-ups on 9/2/24
          3. Helen will investigate mister lengths and Steve will make sure the water at Todd Grove is turned on
          4. The LDP needs donations for the silent auction. Club baskets should be small.
          5. All donations will be held at the home of Vergilia Dakin, 345 N. Spring St, Ukiah
          6. Fred pledged pottery from Phyllis
          7. Robin pledged jam and costume jewelry
          8. Helen will contact Laura Buckner about a jewelry donation
          9. Kayla got 3 cases of beer from Anderson Valley Brewery
          10. Steve will donate Seabass Chardonnay to pour
          11. Kayla will write thank you notes to Adam Gaska and Katrina Frey for their donations to the last fundraiser
          12. Helen will write thank you notes to Ironhorse and Seabass Wineries for their donations to the last fundraiser
        1. Boonville Fair - Tekla
        2. PumpkinFest - Tekla  There was a mixup between Fred & Sally both applying that needs to be straightened out
        3. MHQ - Robin has updated the MHQ.
          1. Gabriel Baca has volunteered to be the hub in Ukiah
          2. Lynda McClure is the hub for Anderson Valley
          3. Tekla has a MHQ kit in Covelo
          4. We need 2 more MHQ volunteers: one in Willits and another one elsewhere in the county
          5. Must do an orientation. Robin has this prepared.  Robin will take Gabriel out to orient to register voters together and then give him the MHQ kit. 
          6. Contact Candidates for signs to accompany mobile head quarters.
        4. Collateral - Accomplishments
      2. Club Activities TBD -
        See Chair's report
      3. Volunteers
        Robin and Michelle organize volunteer lists and access and make these available to the Event and Activity leaders
    2. Guest Jesse Boyd posted their website for support.  - Fred joined reydems
    3. Endorsement Standing Rule: I've reorganized Kayla's doc a bit with headings and re-groupings. I also added my comments in italic text and mostly indented. I did not change any of her initial text. <Tabled until after the election>
      Click Here
  7. New Business   
    1. Prop 33 - Endorsement vote tabled until Helen hears the answer to our questions from the sponsors
    2. Ideas for Attracting Members to Mendocino County Democratic Inland Club

      • The membership is 2% of the registered democrats that could be in the club.
      • Use MOE to generate target DEMS for out-reach.  Tekla has access to MOE.
      • Get a list of registered DEMs in our IMDC zips from MOE to send out recruiting letters, or a least to sign up on the mailing list.
      • A list of specific age groups to help the REYDems,
      • A list by ethnicity to help Juan set up a Latino club.
      • A list of  those Dems who have not voted in recent elections, a reminder that registering is only the first step in participation.
    3. Post Carding at Sept & Oct Meetings Logistics - Rearrange tables to accommodate 30 volunteers.  Peter ordered 1000 more GOTV postcards.  The Mendocino County Democratic party can pay for postage for California Democratic campaigns. 
    4. Harris Walz camo hats are available at
    5. Steve will share his pack of Moove-On's Madam President stickers. 
  8. Meeting adjourned at 5:25pm.
  9. Next meeting:
    DATE: September 17,  2024
    TIME: 4:00 PM
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
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