IMDC Exec Minutes 08-23

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Minutes August 23

DATE August 15, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present[Fred Mervine, Chair, Judy Popowski, Kayla Meadows, Robin Sunbeam, Helen Sizemore, Steven Scalmanini, Tekla Bros, Michelle Hutchins/atten]

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    2025222 : Unanimous
    Motion to Approve Agenda as published[Approved/action]
  3. Consider July 2023 Executive Committee Minutes
    2025222 : Unanimous
    Motion to Approve Minutes with the correction of the spelling of Robin's name[Approved/action]
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    2025222 : Unanimous
    Motion to Approve treasurer's report as published[Approved/action]
    Robin requests the receipts for electronic signups for membership to come to Robin not Scott. Total of 152 members in good standing

    1. Approve new Members in Good Standing: Peter Good, Shelly McClain, Kathy Monroe, Ginger Paulson, Charles Pratt, MaryAnne Villwalk, David Carter
      1. We had some new members from the Fair
      2. **2025222 : Unanimous
        Motion to Accept these 7 new members contingent on confirmation of their membership in the Democratic Party[Approved/action]
    2. Membership renewal drive letters report
  5. Chair’s Report
  6. Old Business
    1. Fred will contact Tony Melville about sound and games for Labor Day Picnic
      1. Tony not available. Contacted Red Bud will provide a PA system for the LDP
    2. All Exec members will divide up the membership as a telephone tree for each of us to share contacting members for the fair and renewal.
      1. Well done. We got all the slots filled at the REF. Fred will leave the list open longer
    3. Judy will be sure Pumpkin Fest is on the meeting agenda for Central Committee to help us at Pumpkin Fest
      1. Done, and obtained
    4. Michelle and Kayla will host a calling party to help us get us volunteers at August Fair Done and we had a great time!
    5. Michelle will gain access to the volunteer spreadsheet and work with Fred on divide up the membership as a telephone tree for executive members to call and make a personal connection. Michelle has access to the volunteer spreadsheet now. Fred and Michelle still need to meet.
  7. Business
    1. Labor Day Picnic MCDP Events Committee report
      1. IMDC Silent auction items - basket, other stuff? Silent auction and basket items can be left at Helen's house. Everyone will spend time at the sign-up table to hound people to join the club.
    2. Redwood Empire Fair Report
      1. Good results
      2. Problems - Money deposited in club account created an issue with central committee. There were no instructions on how to get the money to the central committee. Money was placed into a separate envelope and held by Robin for security reasons. Did not understand how to access passes. All Executive members shall use the website to access information such as phone numbers of booth volunteers.  Next event, Sally will close up the booth. Judy will make a point of clarifying in her report to the Central Committee that all money was expected to go to Central Committee and was held for them. Just will also clarify that we had doubled the sign up for the closure of the booth accidentally. Fred will add to the Event Template when Sally closes up events to avoid confusion in the future. 
      3. What exactly are Fair Booth Staffers expected to do? Develop a job description of a Fair Booth Staffer in tandem with Central Committee. Fred is asking us all to send him ideas for what a booth staffer would do. Each EXEC member will email Fred ideas of what a Booth Staffer should be doing. 
    3. Boonville Fair 9/22 - 9/24 9 AM to Midnight Daily
      1. All Exec members: use member volunteer list to call for volunteers and IMDC membership renewal.
      2. Details to follow as soon as Val provides them
      3. Fred set up volunteer signup sheet
    4. Pumpkinfest
      1. Saturday, October 14th from 10am to 6pm and on Sunday, October 15th from 10am- 4pm in beautiful downtown Ukiah. The theme this year is “Pumpkins go to the Renaissance Faire”.
      2. Sally said she and Mike would take Sunday from 2-4 so they can take care of the stuff we have left.
      3. All items have to be set up between 6 and 8 on Sat. morning.
      4. The booths should be open from 10-6 on Sat, 2-4 on Sunday.
      5. Probably 2 hour shifts should be good.
      6. All Exec members: use member volunteer list to call for volunteers and IMDC membership renewal.
    5. Webmaster
      1. We need to establish a way to keep the website up to date. Discussion occurred about paying someone to update the website. Juan and Jackie Orozco might have resources to someone who would want to do it. Kayla will contact Juan after Michelle sends her his number. Robin will budget $100 a month for this. 
    6. Activity Plan Reports
      1. Helen - Meeting topics & speakers
      2. Tekla - Community Events
      3. Steve - Campaign participation
  1. Good of the Order
  2. Action Items for members by next meeting:
    All Executive members
    shall use the website to access information such as phone numbers of booth volunteers, will email Fred ideas of what a Booth Staffer should be doing, and use member volunteer list to call for volunteers and IMDC membership renewal. 
    Judy will make a point of clarifying in her report to the Central Committee that all money was expected to go to Central Committee and was held for them. Judy will also clarify that we had doubled the sign-up for the closure of the booth accidentally.
    will add to the Event Template when Sally closes up events to avoid confusion in the future.
    Helen will collect items for silent auction and the basket for the Labor Day Picnic.
    Kayla will contact Juan after Michelle sends her his number about finding a webmaster.
    will budget $100 a month for webmaster.
  1. Meeting Adjourned at 5:30 pm.
  2. Next meeting:
    DATE: September 18, 2023
    TIME: 4:00 PM
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
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