IMDC Exec Mins 11-20

IMDC Executive Club Minutes November 12 2020

DATE: November 12, 2020
TIME: 5:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953
Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Phyllis Mervine, Judy Poplawski, Monica Queroz Rivera

Absent: Mike Pallesen, Helen Sizemore, Joe Wildman

Quorum: A quorum was present

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    2025222 Motion to Approve Agenda: Approved
  3. Consider August Executive Committee Minutes
    Tabled to next meeting.

  4. Treasurer’s Report
    In Joe's absence, Fred gave a report that we have $8,903.89 in the bank. We discussed a slate for officers for 2021.
    2025222 Motion to allocate $400.00 to pay for a mailing to raise funds for Joe's trip to Georgia.: Passed unanimously

  5. Business
    1. Monica discussed her idea to have a yard sale next year to provide a scholarship for purchasing textbooks to a 2021 graduating senior.
    2. Monica has also been making inquiries about her idea to hold a Labor Day parade in 2021.
  1. Good of the Order
  2. Next meeting:
    DATE: December 10, 2020
    TIME: 5:00 PM
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953
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