IMDC Executive Committee Meeting October 22. 2021
DATE: 10-22-2021
TIME: 10:00 AM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 894 0277 5632 Passcode 304953
Members Present: Fred Mervine, Helen Sizemore, Phyllis Mervine, Robin Sunbeam, Jim Mastin, Judy Popowski
Members Absent: Scott Miller
Quorum: A quorum was present
- Coal Train Resolution
Robin led discussion of the proposal by an entity called "newly created North Coast Rail Company" to ship coal from Montana, Utah and Wyoming to Humboldt Bay on both existing and defunct rail lines. Our legislators and elected officials in many northern California counties are opposing this proposal. 2025222 Motion to approve the Coal Train Resolution opposing the project.: Passed unanimously
- CalCare Bll AB 1400
Robin updated us on AB 1400. . - New Member-At-Large
2025222 Motion to appoint Jim Mastin as member-at-large of the Executive Committee.: Passed unanimously - Topic for Next General Meeting
We have invited Supervisors John Haschak and Glenn McGourty to give an update on WATER at the November meeting. - Next meeting:
November 17, 2021
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 894 0277 5632 Passcode 304953
Team action items require supporting material submitted in writing seven days prior to the IMDC meeting.
All agenda items may be considered action items.