IMDC Exec Mins 04-22

Inland Mendocino Democratic Exec Committee Minutes 4-22

DATE: April 19, 2022
TIME: 5:40 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953
Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Helen Sizemore, Judy Popowski, Jim Mastin, Steve Scalmanini, Kayla Meadows, Scott Miller, Robin Sunbeam

Guests: Phyllis Mervine

Quorum: YES

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
    2025222 Motion to Approve Agenda as revised: duly seconded and passed - 6 ayes
  3. March 22 Executive Committee Minutes
    2025222 Motion to Approve Minutes as revised: duly seconded and passed unanimously

  4. Chair's Report

    1. Continue planning for MHQ - everybody needs to be engaged
    2. I met with Kenny Jowers to get his ideas on how to energize the club. See my report with notes from that meeting.
    3. Published the April Newsletter
    4. Fred will get together with Robin to show her how to login to the IMDC website and post the minutes herself
  5. Treasurer’s Report
    2025222 Motion to Approve treasurer's report as revised: duly seconded and passed unanimously

    1. Discussion ensued regarding renewing lapsed memberships.
    2. 2025222 IMDC will send a special mailer to non-active members offering to give them the opportunity to renew their membership for the remainder of this year and next year. Deadline of June 1.: duly seconded and passed unanimously
  6. Business
    1. Endorsements - should we endorse any local candidates for the primary -e..g. John Haschak, Ted Williams
      1. Steve reviewed the endorsement policy and wrote up a policy draft.
      2. 2025222 Changes to the IMDC Standing Rule for Endorsements: IMDC will consider endorsements in primary elections. If there are 2 or more Democrat candidates for the same office in a primary, we may endorse all, some, one or none.: duly seconded and passed 7 ayes
    2. Approve new Members in Good Standing
      1. No new members this month.
      2. Memberships sent in online must be searched for, no alerts so far. Fred will get together with Scott to orient him on how to find that.
    3. Donate to Haschak campaign?
      1. 2025222 IMDC will donate $360 to the Haschak for Supervisor Campaign 2022.: duly seconded and passed unanimously
  1. Mobile Headquarters Team Reports
  • MHQ Guide-  Helen
    1. Need to put a hard copy of this guide with each kit in case of no internet access.
    2. There is currently no procedure to reimburse mileage. Discussion ensued whether to reimburse expenses on gas purchased rather than per mile.
    3. Fred plans an online document to reimburse mileage.
    4. In order to assure accountability, users of the MHQ can provide a post-shift report to evaluate a stipend request. Helen will add a report form to the guide.
  • MHQ Kit - Robin - discuss ideas for kit
    1. Sandwich Boards (Scott/Jim)
    2. Table vs. Ironing Board, Chair(s) - (Fred)
    3. Signage: Sandwich boards made with PVC pipes strong fabric for signs. Easy to attach to the tables. Jim and Scott scoped it out for a 2 legged sandwich board sign about $100 each. Maybe heavy. Deer netting with glued on letters is good in a wind.
  • MHQ Plan - Fred
  • MHQ Sites - Jim
    1. Need to start recruiting locals to keep the MHQ box there.
    2. Suggest an online link to the geographical site. Include a hardcopy map in the kit for each of the sites. Get near the Farmer’s market, not in it.
  • MHQ Voter Data - Judy
  • MHQ Recruitment - TBD
    1. We need a recruiting team leader
    2. It is time to get the PR rolling on social media, print news, PSA's and to be visible at public events
  • MHQ PR - TBD
  • MHQ Schedule - TBD
  • MHQ Deployment - TBD
  • MHQ Provision Kits - TBD
  • Endorsement Standing Rule Update
  1. Good of the Order
  2. Next meeting:
    DATE: May 16, 2022
    TIME: 5:30 PM
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 894 0277 5632  Passcode 304953
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