IMDC Exec Agenda 05-20

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Agenda

DATE: May 14
TIME: 5:00pm
Online meeting CLICK HERE
Or for audio only,  call in - Dial-in number: (515) 604-9300 Use Access code: 190753#

  1. Call to order / Welcome
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
  3. Consider <LASTMO> Executive Committee Minutes

  4. Chair’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report

  6. Old Business
    • Endorsement Standing Rule
    • Labor Day Picnic
    • Report on headquarters for fall
    • Actions ....

  1. New Business
    • Appoint Helen to Member at Large Vacancy
      • Section 6. Vacancies
        • a)Vacancy of any current officer or member at large position may be filled either by a Special Meeting of the members, or at a regularly scheduled meeting of the members, or by appointment as determined by the Executive Committee.
      • Fill Member at Large position vacated by Tony - appoint Helen
    • Blue Notes postage funding - $500?
    • Swing Left /Vote Forward Letter Writing campaigns
    • Report on headquarters for fall
    • Distribute TEE shirts to - homeless, volunteers, etc. ?
  1. Good of the Order
  2. Next meeting:
    June 11
    Online meeting CLICK HERE
    Or for audio only, call in - Dial-in number: (515) 604-9300 Use Access code: 190753#
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