Mobile Headquarters Kit
Here is a list of the contents of the tote. Add to that a luggage carrier with wheels to pull it along, a lightweight ironing board, and a water bottle. Maybe a portable camp chair.
In your cell phone will be
- the Secretary of State voter registration site.
- The site to look up your voter registration status.
- The phone number of the county Registrar of Voters
- a name badge saying “Volunteer”
- Sec State Voter Registration QR COde
- A donation can
- Hand sanitizer
- Rocks or other paper weights
- At least 2 posters saying REGISTER TO VOTE
- At least 1 poster saying REGISTRARSE PARA VOTAR AQUI
- Blank poster material to make custom signs
- The “Pre-register at sixteen” sign
- Pre-register at sixteen fliers
- 3 long clipboards or custom clipboards made of thick cardboard and rubber bands
- At least 5 voter registration forms on each clipboard/cardboard
- A short clipboard with IMDC registration forms
- A bag of pens. Tie the pens to the clipboards with string. Have extra pens.
- Black markers and highlighters to make new signs
- Blue painters tape 2” wide
- clear tape to seal the completed registration form for mailing