Declaration of a Climate Emergency Endorsement

Resolution Endorsing the Declaration of a Climate Emergency and a Call for the End of Fossil Fuels

Whereas: UN Secretary General Antònio Guterres understands that we are in a Climate Emergency and has called for the phase out of fossil fuels. World leaders at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai made an historic agreement to transition away from burning fossil fuels that are driving climate change; and 

Whereas: Senator Sanders has introduced the Climate Emergency Resolution (S.Con.Res.9), and Representative Blumenauer has introduced the concurrent Climate Emergency Resolution (H.Con.Res.37), cosponsored by Representative Jared Huffman, putting Members of Congress on record urging the President to use his national emergency executive authority to address the existential emergency of a changed climate and accelerate the transition to sustainable energy; and

Whereas: A national climate emergency declaration would unlock the broad emergency powers at the President’s disposal to take critical action at the necessary scale. An emergency declaration can reinstate the ban on crude oil exports, suspend offshore fossil fuel leases, curb fossil fuel imports, and stop the hundreds of billions of dollars in investments in fossil fuel projects abroad while taking additional steps toward strengthening our emergency preparedness for thousands of high-risk communities; and

Whereas: It is critical that the US Congress brings forward legislation focused on phasing out fossil fuels. Senator Markey introduced S.1707 Block All New (BAN) Fossil Fuel Exports this Spring along with original co-sponsors Senators Merkley, Sanders, Warren, and Wyden, which calls on the President to ban the export of oil and gas, helps prioritize American consumers, protect the climate, and promote environmental justice; and

Whereas: On June 15, 2022, the City of Ukiah passed a Declaration of a Climate Emergency and Actions to Restore a Safe Climate. including actions that call for home and business incentives for electrification and energy efficiency, more EV charging stations, replacing City fleet to EVs, a web page about energy rebates, more walking and biking paths, encouraging biodiversity protection, nutrient and carbon sequestration, reducing fire risk, expanding water sustainability, performing an energy and waste audits, and including climate throughout the developing Ukiah General Plan.

THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED, the IMDC endorses a national declaration of a climate emergency; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the IMDC joins a global call for a fair and more equal society that moves away from fossil fuels and supports an urgent collaborative climate mobilization effort, focused on enacting policies that dramatically reduce heat-trapping emissions across all sectors to accelerate the necessary systems change required to restore a safe climate; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the IMDC Secretary will write on behalf of the IMDC to our 2 Senators urging them to cosponsor S.Con.Res.9. The Secretary will also write to Representative Jared Huffman thanking him for cosponsoring H.Con.Res.37. And the Secretary will also write to President Biden to urge him to exert his executive authority to declare a national Climate Emergency.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the IMDC will urge the City of Ukiah to follow through with their historic June 15th, 2022 Resolution to identify and consider an initial list of actions toward restoring a safe climate and meeting State goals by 2030 as detailed in Exhibit A; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the IMDC commits to address the climate agendas of all local Democratic candidates before endorsing or committing financial support.

Adopted unanimously 01/16/2024

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