Ad Hoc Endorsement Committee Charter

Endorsement Committee Charter

Endorsement Standing Rule

This document provides a task list for the ad hoc Endorsement Committee to implement the Endorsement Standing Rule for IMDC endorsement of candidates for Mendocino County elected offices. These tasks are constrained by the election timeline which varies for each cycle. The dates for primary elections will be be based on filing dates that may be nearly 6 months prior to the primary election. This document includes dates for the 2024 Presidential election. Critical dates and the timeline will need to be adjusted for each succeeding cycle.

County Clerk Elections Website

The County Clerk is responsible for conducting elections. Election & Candidate Information is available at the site. It includes the Calendar for the election. This information is critical for the work of the endorsements committee.

Timeline for Endorsement Committee

  • July            <07/11/2024>  Close of Filing-30 days  Exec Com Appoint EC (i.e., 30 days prior to Close of Filing)
  • July             <07/15/2024>   Open of Candidate Filing
  • July            <07/16/2024>  Exec Meeting
  • August       <08/8/2024>    Member Meeting 
  • August        <08/10/ 2024> Close of Filing + 1 (Election Day-87 days)  Questionnaire posted and candidates notified
  • August       <08/13/2024>  Exec Meeting 
  • August        <08/24/2024>  Close of Filing+15 days (Election-72 days) Candidates' response received (i.e., 15 days after Close of Filing)
  • August        <08/25, 2024> Close of Filing+16 days (Election-71 days) Post response on web site, include links in agenda and post agenda
  • September <09/12/2024>  Member Meeting - vote on endorsements
  • September <09/15/2024>    Election-50 days Endorsements Completed Candidates notified
  • Election Day!!!

Task 1 Appoint the Endorsement Committee

At any time prior to, or at, the IMDC meeting closest to 1 month before the close of filing for office for any election in Mendocino County, the Executive Committee shall appoint an ad hoc committee called the Endorsement Committee (EC) consisting of at least three members in good standing for the purpose of executing this Endorsement Standing Rule.

Task 2 Identify List of Elective Offices

  • <July 3> “Notice of Elective Offices to be Filled” and their district boundary map; the regulation regarding payment of candidate statements and list of officials whose terms expire in this election cycle.
  • The Notice of Elective Offices available from the County Clerk's website will provide a list of local offices that the IMDC may consider for endorsement.
  • Construct a spreadsheet with list of offices to be filled; include title, a brief description and term of office. This spreadsheet will be used throughout the Endorsement Process.
  • During the filing period, update the list with candidates who have filed, noting those who are registered democrats, and include access information.
  • (Optional) Interview candidates

Task 3 Post Questionnaire on and Notify Candidates

  • <August 9> Filing period closes
  • Update the questionnaire and the candidate invitation letters. Produce a letter for each candidate soliciting a request for endorsement.
  • TBD - how to decide which offices will be endorsed. We only endorse Democrats, or in case no Democrat is running we may decide to endorse a DTS candidate.
  • <August 10> Mail invitation letters

Task 4 Review Candidates' Responses

  • Review candidates' responses and post on them on the website.
  • <August 24> Send email to members in good standing notifying them that we will consider endorsements at the September meeting.
  • Include instructions for accessing responses to the questionnaire from each respondent.
  • Update September meeting notice including Endorsement agenda, and a link to Endorsement Standing Rule.
  • Also include a brief description of the endorsement process and a link to the standing rule

Task 5 Endorsement Meeting

  • <Prior to September 1> Invite each candidate who responded to the questionnaire to the September meeting via email, advising them of the time allotted for an introduction speech. Include a brief description of the process.
  • Send Text message to MIGS regarding Endorsement Meeting 2 days before meeting
  • <September 12> Conduct endorsement according to the Endorsement Standing Rule.

Task 6 Notify Candidates of Endorsements

  • After the September meeting, contact each candidate by phone, or if unable to connect via phone use email, notifying them of the results of the endorsement vote.
  • At following Executive Committee Meeting, consider what support we will offer the candidates who receive our endorsement.

Task 7 Review Endorsement Process

  • After the September meeting write a review of the Endorsement meeting, identifying issues with the endorsement process, the work of the Endorsement Committee and recommendations for any needed improvements.
  • Present to the Executive Committee meeting following the September meeting.
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