Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Minutes January 2025
DATE January 14, 2025
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751 Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present: Fred Mervine, Helen Sizemore, Robin Sunbeam, Steve Scalmanini, Peter Good, Jesse Boyd, Taylor Bowser, Gabriel Baca Meza
- Call to order / Welcome 4:00 by Fred
- Revision and approval of agenda
- Consider December Minutes
- MSV: Helen, Gabriel, 5-0-2 Approved as written
- Treasurer’s Report
- Approve new Members in Good Standing
- Robin moved to accept Taylor Bowser as a member with the annual dues waived for this year. MSV: Robin, Gabriele, 8-0-0 Approved
- Consent Calendar Agenda, Minutes, Treasurer's Report, NewMembers in Good Standing
2025122 Motion to Approve Consent Calendar : MSV: - Central Committee Report - Jesse
Working to have a table for the Women's March. Roster reporting process to MCDCC is still under development. - Chair’s Report- Fred Mervine
- Old Business
- Endorsement Standing Rule: Fred reorganized Kayla's doc a bit with headings and re-groupings. Fred added his comments in italic text and mostly indented. He did not change any of her initial text.
Click Here - Ideas for Attracting Members to Mendocino County Democratic Inland Club
I sent an email to Susan Savage to get trained with MOE. Date TBD- The membership is 2% of the registered democrats that could be in the club.
- Use MOE to generate target DEMS for out-reach
- I'd like to get a list of registered DEMs in our IMDC zips to send out recruiting letters, or a least to sign up on the mailing list.
- A list of specific age groups to help the REYDems,
- A list by ethnicity to help Juan set up a Latino club.
- A list of those Dems who have not voted in recent elections, a reminder that registering is only the first step in participation.
- Upcoming Slate Elections - February 13
- Adopting Score Start voting for county elections
- Estelle Introduction of petition to reinstate Auditor and Tax Collector as separate, elected offices - Robin sent the petition to the EXEC Team. We will all reply to Fred with our opinion. Fred will communicate result to us and Estelle
- Review and comment on ideas presented at December member meeting
- Forums
- Sheriff/Police Chief ?Allow deport from jail - esp those awaiting trial
- SEIU wants to sponsor the dinner in February
- Helen still needs to confirm speakers
- BoS reps John Haschak, Ukiah CC - Juan, Mari, Heather Criss
- Fred is proposing that we solicit elected officials to write articles to our membership that we publish in our newsletter.
- Chris Rogers -Mendo staff added to mailing list.
- Sheriff/Police Chief ?Allow deport from jail - esp those awaiting trial
- Info Cards- Peter
- Available for free at Rise and Shine Center in Ukiah this week.
- Distribution: "This is a card about our Civil Rights."
- Vineyard/wineries Krista Maynard Husch - Fred's Daughter
- Construction Crews
- Roofing Cos.
- Schools - Bd of Ed - Helen, Robin and Michelle
- Anti-Deportaion Training - ACLU Training occurred. There is a link that Steve has to be able to review the training.
- SecSt Rob Bonta doc
- Where do kids go if parents are captured? Letter template to be deposited with important parties- Juan and Helen are working to connect this to the schools
- Catholic Charities Schedule - First Wednesday of Every Month
- Psych consulting- consider including topic at February.
- Forums
- Endorsement Standing Rule: Fred reorganized Kayla's doc a bit with headings and re-groupings. Fred added his comments in italic text and mostly indented. He did not change any of her initial text.
- Good of the Order
- Jan 18 Women's March Noon to 2 Robin is proposing we have a group of people to March with us with Banners and signs instead of having a table.
- John Beaty Memorial is at 11:00 on Saturday
- Meeting adjourned at 5:21.
- Next meeting:
DATE: February 18, 2025
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751 Passcode 518110