IMDC Plan1 2025

Fair Booth Volunteer Guide

Accomplishments 2024

  • Endorsed and contributed to Adam Gaska’s campaign
  • Labor Day Picnic
  • County Fairs
  • Pumpkin Fest
  • Sent more that 4000 post cards
  • Fielded the MHQ – although with limited participation 
  • MCDCC Fund raiser 
  • Registered some voters
  • Renewed ~80 members
  • Presented 7 Info-forums
  • Found a viable meeting place ARRC 

What we did not accomplish 2024

  • Active MHQ deployment We need to re-think how we use the MHQs 
  • Grow the club
  • Limited Community outreach 
  • Endorse/support candidates 

What Can We Do in 2025

Grow the club

What should we spend our money on? Of the nearly 19000 registered Democrats in the Inland area, our club has only about 100 members – that is about 0.5%. If we had just 10% of registered Dems, we could do a lot more. With 2000 votes, we could elect democrats to all of the county offices in our area and 4 of the 5 Supes.

  • We could have dues of $10. and several donated funds for specific purposes. 
  • We would have considerable influence in the BoS and City Councils. 
  • Advocate for our members in local government 
  • We would have a very large pool of volunteers. 
  • We could pay for various roles such as volunteer coordinator, web master, City Council and BoS reporters, Candidate Coordinator - Recruit/train/support candidates  
  • Provide an information conduit to keep our members informed of important local issues – thaat is, expand/enhance our monthly meeting forums 
  • Initiate, organize, and support political activities and programs 
  • Assist persons to engage in government processes – e.g., gain citizenship, navigate bureaucracy 

Recruitment Campaign

What does the club offer to members?

Why is being a member worth the dues?

How much should dues be?

The Data

  • There are about 19,000 Democrat voters in the IMDC territory
  • We have about 100 MIGS
  • 0.52% of Regiseted Dems within IMDC /home/fred/Projects/IMDC/OPS/Planning/Tactics/Demographics/IMDC Voters.ods

Use MOE to select recruitment groups: select birth date, gender, last cycle voted, zip code, first name, last name where zip code is one of

















Generate lists for

  • mail address – walking  
  • mail address - snail mail
  • email address
  • cell phone number 

Recruitment Drive

Create groups:

  • By age 18-30, 31-64, 65+ within zip code
  • by Gender identity within age groups
  • last vote cycle within gender
  • last vote cycle
  • ZIP CODE within cycle
  • By age 18-30, 31-64, 65+ within zip code
  • by Gender identity within age groups
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