Chairs Report 08-24

Chair's Report Campaign 2024

Grow the Club:

I asked Lynne for access to MOE. She referred me to you. I know you are pretty much occupied with all the other stuff you do for the party, so I thought I could access MOE for election efforts in the county

I attended a MOE workshop as part of our work on the 2020 election, so at one time I knew how to use it.

If you could spare an hour or so giving me a refresher, I could access MOE and save you the trouble.

You have been vocal on the need to expand the club membership. Here's an observation: before the 2016 election, I didn't even know that there was/is a Democratic Party organization in the county, and I've lived here and registered as a Dem since 1974! That's how undercover the party was, and still is.

Even now, the CC's web page is defunct - agendas from 2021, events from several years ago, stale CC membership list, etc. The Facebook page has some photos, but little else except a link to the dead end webpage. 

The Coast Dems Club has a web page that has current Exec Committee info, but that's all, and their FB page has photos from 2022.  

IMDC has an active, up-to-date, extensive web page, and FB postings from 20 hours ago. 

But still only a very small percentage of Dems in the inland area are members of the club. So we need to do some out-reach, at least for the IMDC.

  • I'd like to get a list of registered DEMs in our IMDC zips to send out recruiting letters, or a least to sign up on the mailing list.
  • A list of specific age groups to help the REYDems,
  • list by ethnicity to help Juan set up a Latino club.
  • A list of  those Dems who have not voted in recent elections, a reminder that registering is only the first step in participation.

What About the PAC?

After aquite a few emails round about, it turns out we have been a Political Action Committee (County) since 1997. Lots-a smoke - no fire.


Since Kamala arrived at the top of the ticket, interest and enthusiasm around the country has been impressive, but I was surprised that here in rural Mendo. More folks at our meeting last Thursday than in a very long time. Assuming that it wasn't a one-time thing, we will need a bigger venue to execute our plans for the September and October meetings.

Redwood Empire Fair was not a great success. We registered only 1 voter, but several people said they would sign up for club membership, but I'm not sure anyone did.

We had a large screen display that showed various Harris campaign ads, several Lincoln Project videos and rally clips. Technically there were a few rough spots tha we got ironed out. Some boot inhabitants said it drew a lot of attention. We'll hive it at the picnic too.

Main Campaign Features


  • LDP
  • Booneville Fair
  • PumpkinFest
  • MHQ

Assuming the crowds will continue to come to the next two meetings we plan to do group post-carding. We will need more table space. I will bring a foldout table to provide more writing surface. That may be sufficient. I believe there are enough chairs

I've asked Sally about restrictions of the club paying for postage, especially for Progressive Turnout.

For our meetings, we'll use Progressive Turnout Project and

  • Letter writing
  • Post-carding
  • Phone-banking

Peter Good will bring Progressive Turnout Post cards. Tekla???

It offers several ways to get involved virtually: GOTV, Canvass, Voter Reg, Virtual Phone Bank, NorCal events, post carding, and others. It also coordinates with various organizations.

I'll put links on the website for members to access campaign organizations that provide online access to support campaigns around the country.

Swing Left

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Swing Left
Established January 19, 2017; 7 years ago
Founders Ethan Todras-Whitehill
Miriam Stone
Josh Krafchin
Michelle Finocchi
Matt Ewing
Legal status Hybrid PAC
Purpose Democratic Party victories
Headquarters Washington, DC

Swing Left is a progressive political group with Hybrid PAC status in the United States that was created following the election of Donald Trump in 2016 with a goal of gaining a Democratic majority in United States legislatures. The group was founded by Ethan Todras-Whitehill, Miriam Stone, Josh Krafchin, Michelle Finocchi, and Matt Ewing to create ways for Democrats to volunteer in their nearest swing district. Its initial mission was to win a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives in 2018 by building a network of volunteers and donors in targeted swing districts across the U.S. Swing Left uses a margin of fifteen points to determine which seats are considered "swing seats", and then concentrates their efforts there.[1] Swing Left cast a broader net in 2019, when they began putting effort toward maintaining a Democratic majority in United States State Legislatures after merging with another organization, Flippable.[2] Swing Left focuses on training volunteers to register voters, phone bank, fundraise, and engage in door-to-door campaigning for Democratic candidates.[3]


Vote Forward

Who we are

Vote Forward is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that empowers grassroots volunteers to send handwritten letters encouraging fellow Americans to vote.

What we do

Vote Forward’s flagship voter contact program trains and supports volunteers writing personal, heartfelt letters to potential voters with an easy-to-use online platform. The majority of our letter-writing campaigns are nonpartisan campaigns, supporting our core 501c(3) and 501c(4) social-welfare mission, which focus on mobilizing potential voters in communities that have historically been marginalized in the political process—such as people of color, women, and young voters. We also support 501(c)(4) partisan campaigns to encourage likely-Democratic voters to turn out in strategic states and districts.




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