IMDC Campaign 2024 Plan of Action

2024 General Election Campaign Plan Framework



Generally, the IMDC focuses on local political interests. Although Mendocino has recently been a Blue county, our state and federal representatives are elected  by total  district votes, so it is important for Mendocino to deliver as many votes as possible to ensure a successful campaign. One aspect of the election campaign plan will address local activities to support our 2nd District candidates: Chris Rogers and Jarred Huffman, and for our statewide Senate candidate, Adam Schiff.


This year, the GOP candidate presents a real and present danger to our democracy and way of life, however, the presidential election will be decided by the Electoral College so as long as Biden gets a majority of votes in California, a few more votes from Mendocino won't matter much. The other aspect of the federal election is control of Congress. Each of the seats on the House is decided independently of others, and there are other districts in CA that are currently held by GOPers. Flipping just one or two of them could return the House to Democrat control. The second aspect of our plan will address these federal elections.

IMDC Local Campaign

Scheduled Events

    • MHQ
    • Redwood Empire Fair
    • Bonneville Fair
    • Labor Day Picnic
    • Website/Facebook/Texting

The primary activities for these events are: register voters, distribute candidates' collateral and Biden/Harris accomplishments, and solicit IMDC membership. We need to engage our members to volunteer and to provide training to meet these objectives

2nd District Candidates' Campaigns

The primary activity for these efforts will depend on interaction with their individual campaign teams

Federal Campaign

As a club, we need to decide and focus on a specific strategy to engage these campaigns. There are several organizations that we can utilize that have lots of technical support for what ever approach we take; e.g., CADM-Mobilize, Swing Left, Vote Forward, MCDCC, etc.  Letter writing, post-carding, phone banking are all viable and supported. We should focus on just one for each of these areas and engage our members, help them learn how to use them, and sponsor events to work together.


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