IMDC Exec Agenda 05-24

Inland Mendocino Democratic Club Exec Committee Agenda May 24

DATE May 14,  2024
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
Exec Members Present[7/atten]
: Yes
Quorum[7/9 atten]

  1. Call to order / Welcome 4:00 by Fred
  2. Revision and approval of agenda
  3. Consider April 2024 Executive Committee Minutes
  4. Treasurer’s Report

    1. Approve new Members in Good Standing:
    2. Please add Discussion on CD to next agenda - from Kayla Meadows.
  5. Chair’s Report  
  6. Old Business
    1. Robin gave report. CA Nurses Association asked us to send a letter to Mia Bonta in support of AB2200. Robin motioned IMDC send the letter as written in the email sent to us by Robin which she read to the Exec Committee. MSV: Robin, Michelle, 7/0 Approved.
    2. May  Speaker - Essence Roberson spoke on experience starting a business in Ukiah and dealing with Ukiah bureaucracy
    3. Tekla will facilitate post card writing during our the next Executive Team meeting for the candidate who is replacing Katy Porter. (but Tekla won't be here.)
    4. Campaign 2024 - Kayla gave a report on a large house party planned for June 23. Kayla will send us the details..
      1. Kayla suggests we can hold house parties for postcard writing. 
      2. Tekla recommends organizing a campaign to bring the young people in.
      3. Fred asked how do we make politics interesting to all people?
      4. House parties might be the way to go. Helen and Kayla will gather and brainstorm guest speakers.
    5. Fred will meet with Juan Orozco to discuss Latino Dem Club. TBD
    6. Tekla's Endorsement notes
    7. Did anyone attend Youth Power Summit?
  7. New Business
    1. Investigate starting a PAC.
  • Next meeting:
    DATE: June 17,  2024
    TIME: 4:00 PM
    PLACE: Zoom Meeting Click Here
    Meeting ID 825 6635 3751  Passcode 518110
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